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Entries "May 2005":

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Nutrition in the News

Fresh produce may be producing fewer vitamins

A recent study of 43 garden crops suggests that the amount of vitamins and minerals has declined over the past 50 years, while farmers have been planting crops designed to improve other traits, such as resistance to pests and disease. Significant declines were seen in amounts of protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin and vitamin C. Scientists speculate many more are on the decline. In addition, more vitamins are lost during transport and storage, and since fresh produce is now transported from thousands of miles away, additional vitamins are lost. These findings suggest that our food supply may not be providing the amounts of vitamins and minerals they once did, and we may not be able to depend on food, alone, to meet all of our nutrition needs. Watkins Fruit/Veggie Complex

Watkins Fruit/Veggie Complex (Watkins Harvest) with 41 varieties of fruits and vegetables, taken along with Watkins Superfood Multiple (Super Multi) provide added insurance that you are getting the vitamins and minerals you need, every day, for the greatest benefits.

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Posted by: SoySister    in: My entries
Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Product Updates

Garlic & Chives Seasoning 01970
Inferno Sauce 01056
Tropical Salsa 01057

These three products remain unavailable and without an estimated availability date. As you may recall, we had problems obtaining key ingredients for each of these products last year and were searching for appropriate replacements. We are diligently working to return all three of these products to our line of gourmet foods. This process will still take some time, as ingredient changes and reformulations of our products must meet Watkins high quality standards.

See my web site for alternatives:

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Posted by: SoySister    in: My entries
Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Mandarin Orange Pie


1 cup/250 mL graham cracker crumbs
1 tbsp/15 mL Watkins Orange Peel
1 tbsp/15 mL granulated sugar
3 tbsp/45 mL melted butter

Cream Cheese Layer:
3 oz/85 g softened cream cheese
1 tsp/5 mL Watkins Original Double-Strength Vanilla (11 oz)
1 tbsp/15 mL Watkins Mandarin Orange Fruit Dip Mix
1 tbsp/15 mL soft butter
1 tbsp/15 mL milk

Top Layer:
1 (10 oz/285 g) bag of marshmallows
3/4 cup/180 mL milk
3 tbsp/45 mL Watkins Mandarin Orange Fruit Dip Mix
1 cup/240 mL whipping cream
1 can mandarin oranges (drained)

Cooking Directions
Add orange peel, sugar and butter to the graham cracker crumbs. Mix well. Press in bottom of a 9-inch/23-cm pie pan. Beat cream cheese, vanilla, dip mix, butter and milk together until smooth. Spread over bottom of pie crust.

Melt marshmallows and milk in a large saucepan over medium heat. Let cool. When cool, stir in the dip mix.

Whip cream until soft peaks form. Fold into cooled marshmallow mixture. Pour half of mixture over cream cheese layer. Place mandarin oranges over marshmallow mixture. Pour the rest of the marshmallow mixture over the oranges. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Serves: 8

Shop Online HERE

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Posted by: SoySister    in: My entries
Monday, May 9, 2005

I just wanted to say hello to all. If you are interested in getting to know me, learn more about me here:

Learn more about my business here:

OR here: (this is the site I created myself - my first web site, and I am proud!)
I look forward to reading other entries, and learning more about using this feature.

Tammy Dobbs

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Posted by: SoySister    in: My entries