Assist Business Directory

Entries "January 2006":

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Missing in Action...

Wow, I haven't been here for a while! I ran into some rough water, but am slowly getting back to shore (so to speak), and I hope to keep this blog updated from now on!

Lets see... What's new? Well, I do not have my web site anymore :( and I have cut back on companies. I now sell Watkins and Gano Excel only. I also am looking into selling some of my craft items, but haven't decided how I want to do that yet (online, offline, etc...) I stay with my grandmother during the day (she requires 24 hour care), and have had quite a bit of time to work on crafts, between my chores with her, and my 3 year old daughter, who also comes along. Right now, I am working on a "Daisy Afghan". I'll have pictures when it's done.

Anyways, I guess I'll start trying to blog regularly, and will try to keep up with everyone else as well. It's a little harder when I only have a few hours online every day, rather than all day like I used to, but I'll do my best. Hello to all my old friends, and hello to all the friends I haven't met yet!

Start your own business with Watkins

Tammy Dobbs
Watkins ID#332040

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