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Nutrition in the News

Fresh produce may be producing fewer vitamins

A recent study of 43 garden crops suggests that the amount of vitamins and minerals has declined over the past 50 years, while farmers have been planting crops designed to improve other traits, such as resistance to pests and disease. Significant declines were seen in amounts of protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin and vitamin C. Scientists speculate many more are on the decline. In addition, more vitamins are lost during transport and storage, and since fresh produce is now transported from thousands of miles away, additional vitamins are lost. These findings suggest that our food supply may not be providing the amounts of vitamins and minerals they once did, and we may not be able to depend on food, alone, to meet all of our nutrition needs. Watkins Fruit/Veggie Complex

Watkins Fruit/Veggie Complex (Watkins Harvest) with 41 varieties of fruits and vegetables, taken along with Watkins Superfood Multiple (Super Multi) provide added insurance that you are getting the vitamins and minerals you need, every day, for the greatest benefits.