Assist Business Directory

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Well, so far all I have really posted here are ads, and I think it's about time I introduced myself. I'm new to blogging, so you'll have to bear with me, LOL

My name is Tammy Dobbs. I am a WAHM with a wonderful 2 1/2 year old girl. I live in Ontario, Canada. I'm a country girl, through and through. I own a snowmobile and a three-wheeler, and you won't believe what I used to do for a living! Construction Equipment Operator (see pictures here: I miss working sometimes - the comraderie and interaction with adults on a daily basis, but I also LOVE being a mom and being home to see my little girl grow and learn.

I have 2 dogs, both Boxers, 3 guinea pigs and a collection of goldfish. For pictures, see the "About Me" section of my web site, I have always wanted to breed animals, and that is what I got the guinea pigs for. My dogs - the oldest one has cancer, and the youngest one (her daughter) has hip problems. (heavy sigh)

Anyways, I have been an associate with Watkins for 3 years, but didn't start working it as a real business until last year, so I could stay home with my little girl. I am also a rep with Gano Excel, which is mostly for my own use, and I Can Craft, a new company dealing in craft kits, such as votive candles, incense sticks, bath salts, etc. For more info, go here;

Well, time to go and entertain my wee girl. She's had the flu for the last couple of days - high fever mostly, but was also vomiting the first day. She's restless now because of feeling better and is looking for attention, so I am off for now! I will try to post more personal information here, not just business!  Thank you for reading my blog - come back again!