Assist Business Directory

Friends in NM!


 Hello...everyone! Hope your summer is going well. School starts soon for us. Which means "Summer" is almost over! This Section is for my friends in New Mexico and Nationally. People I have met online and offline. These are their Businesses, that I feel are wonderful and would like to share with all of you. I will be adding different people's information a little at a time. So, stay tune and I hope you will enjoy their businesses as much as I do. Have fun networking and meeting new people. Take Care! Hugs...from New Mexico!

New Mexico WAHM's!

Kim Ryan Photography...Kim lives in Hobbs, NM. The same town I live in.   She has a wonderful talent that I feel everyone will be impressed with. Please look at her website! And feel free to contact her off the website for any questions about her Photos. By the way...please encourage her to join us here at This is all new to far as networking on Online. She is a personal friend and I love her work. Our daughters are friends, as well. Thank you for helping her in her new venture.   

Laura Wilkerson...Laura lives in Alburgurque, NM. She has become a wonderful Online friend and I love her website. Please, take a look and see all the wonderful things this Single Mom is doing with her At Home Businesses. Have any questions...please contact her off her website.

Marti Burrus...Another wonderful friend online here in NM. She lives in Alburqurque, NM! She loves her business and is very sweet. You will love all the neat things on her site.Take a look at her site and contact her for any questions about her Business.


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Year Online with Mommyfest!



Mommyfest is here! Come on over and enjoy the fun of laughter, chatting, networking, sharing information, meeting and seeing distributors from different companies. It is going to be a great year...for both customer and distributors.

Oh...Did I mention prizes...and having fun. Yeah! See ya there!

Land of Enchanted Scents will be there...So Can YOU! (Don't forget to look at the booths from Mommyfest2005! They are still up...don't delay...2006 is going to be up on the 23rd of May 2006...the starting day of this wonderful exciting event. Huge Hugs!


Thelma Webb

Owner of  LOES 



Hope everyone had a blast at Mommyfest2005! You are still able to look at the different Vendors ONLINE for a Year! So if you were unable to make it...that is ok! Plenty of time to take a look and see what is going on with us. Look for the E-Book and Other information about Mommyfest2005 on the Website. Links to still look at Mommyfest2005 ONLINE!


Update: October 1, 2005 

I Can is no longer can still go to the Mommyfest site and see the wonderful vendors that are available. Look forward to seeing you in Mommyfest2006! Hugs...from NM.

Don't forget to look at my Upcoming Event Section for more of Online Parties that I and other Vendors Participate in. Look forward to seeing you at Mommyfest2006! Have a wonderful year of Online Parties and Success in Whatever your chosen Biz or Career is.  Hugs...from NM!


Thelma Webb 

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