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Wildthings For You/Truly Virtual Offering Unique Products & Low Cost Business Opportunities. The latest additions are Unique Destinations a full service travel agency and Truly Virtual which offers Virtual Assistant services for any type of business. Please feel free to check us out!
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Friday, June 10, 2005

June\'s update

I know I haven't written in awhile but I thought I would take this time to update everyone.  As some of you know I play in the local pool and dart leagues.  May and June are major pool tournaments.  My women's team took 3rd in state not bad for team with some fairly new players.  My other teams have not played yet but I will let you know how it turns out.


As for the business end of things I have a few updates.  I'm in the process of changing my website host, therefore the Wildthings For You website has been down but should be up and running by tomorrow.  When it does come back up it will have a completely new look....I hope you like it.


I started three new businesses the first I added Sweet Berry Designs to my new website.  This is a brand new company and I'm a founding distributor the grand openning will be July 1st.  Look for them on the website they have a great program.  Second I started a travel agency called Unique Destinations this is a full service agency please feel free to check it out.  At Unique Destinations you are able to make your own travel arrangements or I can do it for you.  The last new company I started is a Virtual Assistant business called Truly Virtual.  The website is up and running  Please check it out and let me know what you think. 


I know many of you think I have to be out of my mind...working full time as a paralegal, playing in pool and dart leagues 3 to 4 nights a week, having a teenage son still at home and starting several new businesses but it's all a plan for freedom in the end.  Truly Virtual will be the main company and the rest will be extra services I'm able to offer.


I wish everyone the best in business and family life.  Please as always feel free to send me your comments and questions.  Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read my blog.


»11:11 AM     »No comments     »Send entry    

Posted by: laura

Modified on June 10, 2005 at 11:38 AM
Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Welcome: Your destiny and destination begin here

I want to thank you in advance for viewing my blog.  My name is Laura Wilkerson and I'm a single parent of two boys.  My oldest son currently is stationed in Hawaii and just returned from Iraq.  I would like to tell him how proud of him I really am.  My youngest son is still at home finishing up high school and planning for his career.  I'm sure like his brother he has great things ahead of him.


I decided to start an online business in the hope that I will be able to go anywhere in the world and never have to worry about getting a "real job".  One of my main goals is to provide single parents like me with the opportunity to start their own business with very little cost.  As a single parent I know most of us live paycheck to paycheck and can't afford the start up costs for most of the businesses out there.  I have put a lot of time and effort into finding the best of the low cost opportunities out there. 


I hope you enjoy viewing my site and if you find your match let me know and I will help you in any way I can.  Start your journey here and in the end your destination and destiny will become clear.

»10:30 AM     »No comments     »Send entry    

Posted by: laura

Modified on June 10, 2005 at 10:15 AM
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