Assist Business Directory

Entries "May 2005":

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Dads ~&~ Grads ~*~ Special Offer For All Members

Buy anything from any Vendor listed in the Assist Business Directory and get 10% of your purchase amount deducted from your own Assist Business Directory ads.

For example, Buy $100 of products and get a $10 discount on any Assist ad package, including the popular "Lifetime Gold" and "Lifetime Bronze" packages.

Buy $200 worth of products from any vendor and get $20 off, etc.

All you have to do is e-mail us the Vendor name and receipt to qualify. Valid until June 19, 2005!

Many new Products have been added to the Products Directory and WAH Directory, so check them out! Start Shopping for Dads & Grads!

Our way of saying "Thank You" for helping us grow so fast!

Products Directory

WAH - Direct Sales Directory


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Posted by: moderator    in: My entries

Modified on May 24, 2005 at 6:25 PM
Friday, May 13, 2005

Assist Auctions & Assist Stores

eBay not cost effective for what you want to sell on-line? Well... We can assist! Made just for Direct Sales Associates, Consultants and small business owners.

Sell your idle products and excess inventory in Assist Auctions. Sell other stuff too. Just keep it Family Friendly!

Host your eStore with us and we'll link it into your Assist Business Directory ads and your Assist Blog! Now you have Assist Auctions and Assist Stores at your service. Promote your store on your Blog and in our State Groups too!

The "Auction" accounts are free for all Gold and Platinum Partners! No extra fees like eBay charges. Sign up and we will credit your account.

The "eStores" are only $29.95 per YEAR! Introductory pricing, so get one now!

Plus, your Auction and eStore listings will get submitted to Froogle; The Google e-Commerce Directory. You want to be listed there!!!

Sign up and we'll link your Assist Business Directory ads to your Store. Your store works with PayPal also.

Join now and bid on Assist Ads too! Keep watching for more and more specials!

Moderator at

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Posted by: moderator    in: My entries
Friday, May 6, 2005

New Service - Links Pages

The Assist Business Network is pleased to announce two new services. Blogs and Links Pages.


All existing paid advertisers and members that subscribe to get a Links Page will receive a free Blog in the Assist Business Community. Links Page advertisers are also included.

You can Sign up at,

Links Pages:

Benefits: Put all of your contact information and links on one page! In your email messages, Yahoo Group posts and newsletters, you only need to include one URL link that connects to all of your other links.

Works great for AIM, YIM and MSN Away messages, eBay Store and AboutMe pages, or anywhere else that you want people to find ALL of your links and contact information. Easy editing. One central location has all of your links when you change email addresses, phone numbers or add new services for your business!


What can go on my Links Page?

Your Name, phone numbers, your email address, links to all of your URL's, your Assist Blog, your other Blogs, your Yahoo Groups, Google Groups, MSN Groups, your Newsletter, your ChatRoom, your Party Calendar, your AIM link, your YIM link, your MSN link, your Business Opportunity page, your Guest Registry page, your AboutMe page, your eBay Store, your e-commerce site, a link to MapQuest, your favorite charity, your ...

How do I set up all this stuff?

We will assist you. Plus, we will inform you when new services added to the Assist Business Network that you can include on your Links Page.

Can my Links Page include an "Animated Talking Character"?

Yes. You must subscribe to the SitePal service, then simply post your SitePal ID here also.

SitePal Link: Open using the right-mouse click: Click Here

Can my Links Page include a "Flash" animation?

Yes. You may include one "Flash" animation. Just post the URL and we will link your page to it.

Can my Links Page include "Voice"?

Yes. If the voice is part of a SitePal, "Instant Audio" or another web based voice service. Just post the URL for your voice service.

Can my Links Page include "Music"?

Not yet. We are working on it. Some "Flash" animations contain music and these may work.

Will my Links Page include a "Tell-A-Friend" button?

Yes. All Links Pages include the Tell-A-Friend button.

Will I get a Blog to go with my Links Page?

Yes. You can create one and we will host it as long as you are a subscriber. If you already have a Blog on another service already, we can link to it.

Can I place Ads on my Links Page?

Not yet, but we are working on that. You can include links to ads in the Directory, your eBay store, other e-commerce sites and other advertising services.

Can I include a link to my Assist State Group?

Yes, We encourage you to link to your Assist State Group and build your local network. We will include the Yahoo branded banner and links for your Assist State Group.

Will you be adding more services to the Assist Business Network?

Absolutely. And when we do, we will update your links page for you, if you want that service included.

What if I am in a Link Exchange Network?

Great! You can add a link to it and include your Assist Links Page on that Link Exchange too.

What if I am in a Web Ring Network?

Great! We can include 1 ring on your page. Simply post the HTML code here.

What if I am in a Banner Exchange Network?

No problem. All we ask is that all banners are family friendly.

What if I don't advertise on the site?

No problem. We can still host your Links Page and your Blog for you as a subscriber.

Can my Links Page URL be something other than my phone number?

Yes. We can make the page name be any name that is not already used on the system.

What does a Links Page look like?

See our site for more details...


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Posted by: moderator    in: My entries
Wednesday, May 4, 2005

Welcome to the Assist Business Network Community Blog

This blog allows Assist Business Network Partners the ability to include additional product information, special offers and business opportunity information with your Assist Directory ads.

This blogging service is provided as part of your Assist Business Network subscription.

Please use this service for its intended purpose and to promote your business. Anyone that uses this service for any other activity may be removed from the Blog Community.



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