Assist Business Directory

Assist Auctions & Assist Stores

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eBay not cost effective for what you want to sell on-line? Well... We can assist! Made just for Direct Sales Associates, Consultants and small business owners.

Sell your idle products and excess inventory in Assist Auctions. Sell other stuff too. Just keep it Family Friendly!

Host your eStore with us and we'll link it into your Assist Business Directory ads and your Assist Blog! Now you have Assist Auctions and Assist Stores at your service. Promote your store on your Blog and in our State Groups too!

The "Auction" accounts are free for all Gold and Platinum Partners! No extra fees like eBay charges. Sign up and we will credit your account.

The "eStores" are only $29.95 per YEAR! Introductory pricing, so get one now!

Plus, your Auction and eStore listings will get submitted to Froogle; The Google e-Commerce Directory. You want to be listed there!!!

Sign up and we'll link your Assist Business Directory ads to your Store. Your store works with PayPal also.

Join now and bid on Assist Ads too! Keep watching for more and more specials!

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