Assist Business Directory

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  Dads ~&~ Grads ~*~ Special Offer For All Members

Buy anything from any Vendor listed in the Assist Business Directory and get 10% of your purchase amount deducted from your own Assist Business Directory ads.

For example, Buy $100 of products and get a $10 discount on any Assist ad package, including the popular "Lifetime Gold" and "Lifetime Bronze" packages.

Buy $200 worth of products from any vendor and get $20 off, etc.

All you have to do is e-mail us the Vendor name and receipt to qualify. Valid until June 19, 2005!

Many new Products have been added to the Products Directory and WAH Directory, so check them out! Start Shopping for Dads & Grads!

Our way of saying "Thank You" for helping us grow so fast!

Products Directory

WAH - Direct Sales Directory