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Thursday, January 12, 2006

Missing in Action...

Wow, I haven't been here for a while! I ran into some rough water, but am slowly getting back to shore (so to speak), and I hope to keep this blog updated from now on!

Lets see... What's new? Well, I do not have my web site anymore :( and I have cut back on companies. I now sell Watkins and Gano Excel only. I also am looking into selling some of my craft items, but haven't decided how I want to do that yet (online, offline, etc...) I stay with my grandmother during the day (she requires 24 hour care), and have had quite a bit of time to work on crafts, between my chores with her, and my 3 year old daughter, who also comes along. Right now, I am working on a "Daisy Afghan". I'll have pictures when it's done.

Anyways, I guess I'll start trying to blog regularly, and will try to keep up with everyone else as well. It's a little harder when I only have a few hours online every day, rather than all day like I used to, but I'll do my best. Hello to all my old friends, and hello to all the friends I haven't met yet!

Start your own business with Watkins

Tammy Dobbs
Watkins ID#332040

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Posted by: SoySister
Thursday, June 9, 2005

The Watkins Business Opportunity

Before there was a pharmacy on every corner, or a gourmet shop in every town, there was Watkins. Starting back in 1868, we purveyed the only health "remedies" that came with a money-back guarantee. That guarantee still remains, along with a reputation for using only the finest natural ingredients.

While we're most famous for our award-winning Vanilla and spices, today we offer a complete line of gourmet specialty foods, botanical personal-and home-care products, elegant gift baskets and — of course — tried and true medicinals.

In 1868, J. R. Watkins laid the foundation of the Direct Selling Industry, giving men and women the opportunity to earn a part-time or full-time income by sharing the Watkins products they loved.

Along with its longevity, Watkins long-standing commitment to product excellence has made our business opportunity one of the most attractive in the industry.

What makes Watkins special?

    Our Award-Winning Products
  • Made with the world's finest ingredients
  • Backed by the world's first money-back guarantee
  • A wide-variety with something for everyone
  • Essential products that people need and use
    Our Income Earning Opportunity
  • Marketing Methods to Fit Any Lifestyle
  • Proven Business Model with Incredible Earning Potential
  • Offers Free Travel to Exotic Destinations
  • Minimal Start-up Costs
  • World-class Recognition for Business Growth
    Our Training Program
  • Watkins System For Success Training materials
  • Upline and Corporate Support
  • Corporate-Sponsored Training

While Watkins has remained strong throughout its over 135-year history, many other companies have come and gone. And while there are other opportunities out there, no other company can match Watkins longstanding reputation for product excellence and business integrity.



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Posted by: SoySister
Modified on June 9, 2005 at 9:45 PM
Thursday, June 9, 2005

Well, so far all I have really posted here are ads, and I think it's about time I introduced myself. I'm new to blogging, so you'll have to bear with me, LOL

My name is Tammy Dobbs. I am a WAHM with a wonderful 2 1/2 year old girl. I live in Ontario, Canada. I'm a country girl, through and through. I own a snowmobile and a three-wheeler, and you won't believe what I used to do for a living! Construction Equipment Operator (see pictures here: I miss working sometimes - the comraderie and interaction with adults on a daily basis, but I also LOVE being a mom and being home to see my little girl grow and learn.

I have 2 dogs, both Boxers, 3 guinea pigs and a collection of goldfish. For pictures, see the "About Me" section of my web site, I have always wanted to breed animals, and that is what I got the guinea pigs for. My dogs - the oldest one has cancer, and the youngest one (her daughter) has hip problems. (heavy sigh)

Anyways, I have been an associate with Watkins for 3 years, but didn't start working it as a real business until last year, so I could stay home with my little girl. I am also a rep with Gano Excel, which is mostly for my own use, and I Can Craft, a new company dealing in craft kits, such as votive candles, incense sticks, bath salts, etc. For more info, go here;

Well, time to go and entertain my wee girl. She's had the flu for the last couple of days - high fever mostly, but was also vomiting the first day. She's restless now because of feeling better and is looking for attention, so I am off for now! I will try to post more personal information here, not just business!  Thank you for reading my blog - come back again!

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Posted by: SoySister
Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Nutrition in the News

Fresh produce may be producing fewer vitamins

A recent study of 43 garden crops suggests that the amount of vitamins and minerals has declined over the past 50 years, while farmers have been planting crops designed to improve other traits, such as resistance to pests and disease. Significant declines were seen in amounts of protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin and vitamin C. Scientists speculate many more are on the decline. In addition, more vitamins are lost during transport and storage, and since fresh produce is now transported from thousands of miles away, additional vitamins are lost. These findings suggest that our food supply may not be providing the amounts of vitamins and minerals they once did, and we may not be able to depend on food, alone, to meet all of our nutrition needs. Watkins Fruit/Veggie Complex

Watkins Fruit/Veggie Complex (Watkins Harvest) with 41 varieties of fruits and vegetables, taken along with Watkins Superfood Multiple (Super Multi) provide added insurance that you are getting the vitamins and minerals you need, every day, for the greatest benefits.

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Posted by: SoySister
Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Product Updates

Garlic & Chives Seasoning 01970
Inferno Sauce 01056
Tropical Salsa 01057

These three products remain unavailable and without an estimated availability date. As you may recall, we had problems obtaining key ingredients for each of these products last year and were searching for appropriate replacements. We are diligently working to return all three of these products to our line of gourmet foods. This process will still take some time, as ingredient changes and reformulations of our products must meet Watkins high quality standards.

See my web site for alternatives:

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Posted by: SoySister
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