Assist Business Directory

Scrapbooking Supplies


Looking for Scrapbooking Supplies?

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You'll be amazed at what you can find!


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A new member of the Assist Business Network family, allows you to sell your stuff in an auction and eStore community portal.

Join us on Monday Nights at 8:00 PM EDT in the Chatroom to wheel and deal with our other members.

You can buy, sell, trade, barter and swap using the portal.

See you there!


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  • Posted by:assist

~*~ Chicken Soup for the Soul® Supplements ~*~

In today's fast paced, high-tech world, many conventional marketing methods are being replaced by dramatic Internet-based systems.
Recognizing this, Chicken Soup for the Soul® Supplements has combined the best of proven direct marketing methods with powerful Internet technologies and its $1.3 billion brand to deliver a business opportunity without equal.
For those who are just beginning to consider a home-based business, and those who have been in the direct marketing business for years, the "QuickStart" Bonus program puts immediate cash in your pocket while you develop a significant base of business that later delivers solid, ongoing residual income for years to come.
For more information about this incredible "Referral Reward Plan" see"


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  • Posted by:assist

Distribute Your Articles In Multiple Languages

You worked hard on your writing your article...

Are you ready to have your article work harder for you?

The English language is only part of the Global Internet.

Are you missing out on having your article seen by people that speak German, Spanish, French, Italian, Korean or Portuguese?

Are you missing out on thousands of Blogs, Search Engines and Directories just because your article is only in English?

Click here for more on: Article Translation


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  • Posted by:assist
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