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Something Different

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Yesterday I did something that was very unusual for me!  I made plans to stop work early and spend some time with my sister. To some this may be nothing strange at all, but it is so not me to do that. I am all work, work and more work usually but I decided to go for it, especially since I don't like the work I'm doing nearly as much as straight underwriting. 

So anyway, I emailed my boss (since I work at home) that I'd finish the last 2 loans when I got back or over the weekend.  Well I didn't get back home until 8:15pm (and had left at 1:00pm).  This went over like a lead balloon with hub.  He had loaded up his truck for a job today, his first laminate installation job this year!! When I didn't get home in time for dinner, he had to unload so he and Stacey could get dinner.  I think he said he loaded everything up again, but he then had to take her to meet a date at the highschool to see a play since I still wasn't home by 6:30.  So needless to say when I called him just before 8 he was pretty frazzled thinking he'd have to pick up Stacey and would have to unload his things again.  Now granted he parks his truck in the why he couldn't just load up everything this morning before he left...who knows. I don't know why I had to be made to feel guilty about being gone for the day as like I said it rarely ever happens.  We both usually stay home and don't go anywhere.

He didn't yell or anything like that when I got home but he told me about his day and I could tell he must have been really irritated. I tried to just tell him that we went shopping and have makeovers which isn't exactly a fib - but what we actually did was go and get Glamour Shots so that we (my sister) and I could surprise our hubby's with them for Valentine's Day. Well it took that long for each of us to get down to that mall, get the hair done, makeup on, change clothes, then get shots together, separate, change two more times, grab something to eat while waiting for the pics to get loaded, go back to view them and pick from them.  And sheesh!  The pictures are expensive enough but when you get them glamour finished - all blemishes and imperfections smoothed out..that alone cost $75.00 per head shot! Yikes!  I did pick a few to get but none glamour finished.  I may regret it but money is tight right now as it usually is when a two income family is relying on one income.  When we were finally done, we left by way of Nordstroms because my sister just had to go through there. And her house is a good 45 minutes from that mall and my house another 20 from hers.  So there was my afternoon/evening. 

So today I have to finish my work and the house needs to be cleaned again, especially the floors on the first level.  The tiled floors get tons of dog hair everywhere and so do the edges of the carpeted areas. I'd like to get someone in to clean again like I used to when we lived in PA - I love not having to clean- it is one of the most thankless jobs ever!  And it never stays very clean around our house with having 4 dogs.  I love my furkids, don't get me wrong, but why doesn't someone invent a 'self cleaning' house ?

And maybe this weekend I can write an article for my mortgage ezine and maybe do a HPN newsletter.  I should start checking out how our taxes look this year too.  Hoping we dont' owe too much. There won't be a ton of sch C income since there wasn't a lot of flooring jobs last year, although we are still waiting for one 1099 and I'll probably have to call the previous mtg company on our old house in PA that we sold so I can get the interest amount on that.  But I think taxes will wait until next weekend or the next - probably won't be filing until right before April 15th anyway. ;-)

Okay, off to start my day!

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