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  Hump Day

Another day another dollar.  At least it is Hump Day. Woo Hoo!

I can't believe my little baby is going to be 18 in 4 days.  She better not get any tattoos! :)   It is really hard to let go of our kids although I don't remember when I turned 18 feeling like I had any new found freedoms.  I was to prgrammed to respecting my parents and doing the right things all the time. Oh wait...I remember I did get my ears pierced for the first time when I was 18 in college because my mom was really against it.  So I guess the first piercing from back in the 70's equates to a first tattoo when a kid turns 18 nowadays right?  Well I know a lot get them younger than that so maybe I should be thankful I've been able to be an influence up to this point!

I am damn proud of my kids as I'm sure a lot of folks are.  They have never given me a bunch of trouble about anything and the stories I hear about other parent's plight..make mine look like absolute angels!  Thank you God for wonderful offspring!! :)

I've decided I've found my favorite lia sophia piece.  I'm so glad that I am a lia sophia saleslady so that I can get to see what is coming out this spring first!!  If anyone wants a Spring catalog, let me know.

Oh it is time to get to bed so I can start all over again tomorrow.
