Assist Business Directory

Public details

About me:
My name is Buddy Brannan, and I live in Erie, PA with my wife Melanie, our daughter Alena (adopted in Ukraine in October 2004), and a bunch of critters! We have three cats and two dogs. Of course, anyone who has cats know that cats have staff--that's us. As for the dogs, Karl is a 10-year-old Golden Retriever, happily retired from guide dog service and leading the good life. Chet is a Yellow Labrador, happily employed as my current Seeing Eye dog! I believe that owning one's own business really is the best chance any of us can have at really making a difference in one's family. Working for someone else gives that someone else control over your future. Besides, it's uncertain at best, and if you've got a disability, the chances that you can actually climb the ol' corporate ladder are pretty slim. I've believed this for years, and I've found some great people to work with in order to get my business off and running! I'd love to have you come along for the ride. If it's not your cup of tea (or latte, or whatever), that's OK. Stay tuned for monthly specials and deals, and do let me know if there's anything I can do to make your visit more pleasant or worthwhile. I'd love to work with you, and I thank you for your business if you choose to take advantage of the fine products I represent.
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High Tech, High Touch There are no teams in this weblog.
Downsize Your JOB There are no teams in this weblog.
