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Camp Tunzafun - Wierd Science

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Ok.. I'm still lagging.  Eventually I will get caught up.  As I say " Better late than never."

My son got to enjoy his first week of gymnastic camp.  He had a blast.  He was even voted "Camper of the Week".  He got a certificate and a trophy.  Even though it's a gymnastic camp, there were lots of other activities.  He went swimming 2 days, 2 days had field trips and watched movies, played games and even had a visit from the "Science Guy".  I'm not quite sure what he made.  He brought home a baggy full of glue with liquid.

Field trips were taken to the Museum on Natural Science and NASA Space Center.  I didn't much of a report on what he liked except that he had fun.  He did say that after his NASA field trip that is was "What's So Wierd".  NASA is doing a Wierd Science thing this summer.He really likes to ride those fancy buses where you can watch movies. His comment is just like school. His school has to rent those fancy buses for field trips because the district ones aren't reliable.

Next week my son is at gymnastics camp again.  Look for another report in about a week.



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