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Entries "Routine Stuff":

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Pumpkin Seeds

Don't throw those pumpkin seeds out after you've carved your jack-o'-lantern.Roast them — it's easy! Preheat the oven to 375ºF. Clean and rinse pumpkin seeds in Colander under cool water; blot dry with paper towel. Mix pumpkin seeds with 1 tablespoon vegetable oil and 1/2 teaspoon salt in Small Batter Bowl. Spread pumpkin seeds in a single layer onto Medium Bar Pan. Bake 20-25 minutes until crispy and golden brown. Try using flavored oils or olive oil for an interesting flavor twist.

»12:15 PM     »Write comment    

Posted by: Dreamworld

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Summer's Here

I can't believe that it's almost been a month since my son has been out of school. He's taking summer school and there is only one week left.  He's only going for enrichment so his last day will actually be tomorrow.  Next week he's doing gymnastics camp - Old MacDonalds Farm.

My daughter's been enjoying going to church on Wednesday and doing the Wacky Wednesday program.  This last Wednesday that did a Fourth of July parada and she was the leader. She's off to gymnastics camp in July - Ice Cream Week.  She loves ice cream.  They are going to be making ice cream sundaes.

I'm going to National Conference for Pampered Chef and that's about all I have planned.

We are still trying to find a date to do a quick getaway with the family.  School will be underway before we know it. 



»7:35 PM     »Write comment    

Posted by: Dreamworld

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Gymnastics - First Day

Things are starting to get going again here.  The kids started gymnastics yesterday.  Amber was in her first class without Mommy.  She did a great job!  Of course, I'm biased or anything.  I was truly amazed out how well she did.  She did everything she was asked to without any problem.  There was another child who was trying to figure out how to do a cartwheel and Amber was there trying to explain to him what to do. 

Brother Drew class was very small.  He's in an all boys class and by first grade there don't seem to be many boys left in gymnastics.  I think there only about a dozen boys and they were split into two groups. He will be getting a lot of attention while working on his skills.  This is something he really likes, individual attention.



»1:23 PM     »Write comment    

Posted by: Dreamworld

Friday, July 29, 2005

Camp Tunzafun - Wierd Science

Ok.. I'm still lagging.  Eventually I will get caught up.  As I say " Better late than never."

My son got to enjoy his first week of gymnastic camp.  He had a blast.  He was even voted "Camper of the Week".  He got a certificate and a trophy.  Even though it's a gymnastic camp, there were lots of other activities.  He went swimming 2 days, 2 days had field trips and watched movies, played games and even had a visit from the "Science Guy".  I'm not quite sure what he made.  He brought home a baggy full of glue with liquid.

Field trips were taken to the Museum on Natural Science and NASA Space Center.  I didn't much of a report on what he liked except that he had fun.  He did say that after his NASA field trip that is was "What's So Wierd".  NASA is doing a Wierd Science thing this summer.He really likes to ride those fancy buses where you can watch movies. His comment is just like school. His school has to rent those fancy buses for field trips because the district ones aren't reliable.

Next week my son is at gymnastics camp again.  Look for another report in about a week.



»1:34 PM     »Write comment    

Posted by: Dreamworld

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Garnishing Tips

I've been slacking on posts here.  I'm trying to get back into the swing on things.  I've just gotten back from conference for my main business dealing with kitchen tools.  One of the awesome things I learned was about some great garnishing tips.  I know summertime is coming to an end but we still have time to really impress our friends with these wonderful ideas.

Here's a picture I found at

There are detailed instructions on how to make a tomato rose, scallion brushes, cucember turret, cucumber grapes, lemon twist and citrus spiral.

Check out this site to see how you can make your own beautiful garnishes.



»8:31 PM     »Write comment    

Posted by: Dreamworld

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