Assist Business Directory

Been a while

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Okay, so it has been a while since I've written.  I had every intention of catching this thing up last night, but we had some pretty bad thunderstorms here and I had to shut everything down for a while.  Then I tried to finish up some mortgage work but the cable internet was down.  Was about to give up after 11:30 because the screens move so slowly when I'm on dial up...but cable came back up and got it all done, even though it was after midnight when I got to bed.

They say everything is bigger in Texas and so are the storms!  Not regular rain storms with passing lightning and thunder.  These storms roll through with a vengence!  There are usually strong winds, tornado warnings and hail of all different sizes during these storms.  The sky looked so ominous last night too. The clouds were sort of a burnt orange color at the rim and really dark above it.  Shudder!!  But I still  love it here!  The mild/warm weather can't be beat, even though we had some record breaking heat the last few days.

I have a new business - yes ANOTHER one!  Well actually two!  Okay I know I'm nuts.  The one evolved from a place where we are purchasing some wood items wholesale for selling at our store Wood Stock.  The gal that owns the company was offering to make websites for any owner who wanted to get in on a $50 deal!  So I took it because I can always add another website to my DianeStJames Main one.  My business name is a website I've had but haven't really done much with lately and actually let it lapse but I grabbed it up again. This is my webstore with all the products that I sell - Diane's Domestic Shoppe    Feel free to stop in and SHOP!

The other new biz I got into is MaddyMoo which sounds like a really funny name. The main reason I joined it is that it still has founding member positions which is always a good place to be and it has really unusual handbags and totes that I wanted to get a few and put in our store Wood Stock (in my display case). I will get one for me to use too (nothing like free advertising). And I'll add this store to my main website as well. Multiple streams of income is what it is all about!

Had another sale yesterday at the store- woo hoo!  Glad that there is starting to get some folks coming out so that hub feels like it is worth it going in.  He is doing his wood burnings out there too though, so it isn't like it is total wasted time. 

My oldest daughter really wants to go to PA this summer for the majority of the summer but I don't like the boarding arrangement. Tough love is really hard on a parent sometimes.  We try to do things in order to protect our children that they disagree with, especially when they turn 18.  There is still time for this to work out so that she can go see her friends and I can feel better about the who, what and where.

I better get to work now.







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