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  Quick Update

Time for a quick update...

Been busy very busy...with work of course...and not much else which is why I haven't written in so long. Did take  some time out to pick up our newest furkid - Kaci.  Not that she could ever fill the void Misty left, but she is getting along good with Molly and they are becoming play buddies which is good.  She is a cutie patootie and is smaller than oiur Reebok.  Here's a pic


I can hold her easily and she likes to sit on my lap when riding in the car.  When I pick up Stacey from practice I just scoop her up (don't need a leash) and she just relaxes in my hand and I carry her to the car and my lap!  She is that small!  She takes no crap from the other furkids though so she is fitting right in.

I am really thinking of quitting my other pt work as it just isn't worth the aggravation!  I feel like I'm beating my head against the wall with these folks!  On a good note things at my day job have improved and I also got a raise! :))   Gives me even more reason to forget about the other.  Maybe I could actually take some evening time with my family or if they are not around, pursue selling jewelry!  :)
