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Yesterday was scary but also a bit comical to me.  From about 2:30pm on, there were t-storm and hail warnings throughout the rest of the day. Hub called me to recommend that I put my little wind up car ('95 Honda Civic) in the garage so that it didn't get pulverized by any hail that may come through.  I did put it in the garage and we did get hit with hail for a few minutes which looked really odd on the street. It was about pea size which around here is 'nothing'!  Last night the news footage showed an Outlet Mall in the San Marcos area that got hit with baseball sized hail and there were about a thousand vehicles with body damage and windshields that were not made to withstand baseball size hail coming down from the sky at who know what speed?  Hm...perhaps a question for that science guy.

Okay, now for the comical part.  Every time I stopped working because I finally gave it up and shut down my computer, the storm would seem to pass.  Then just when I thought it was safe and I was about 10 minutes into my work, it would start lightning again and I had to shut it down again.  This happened another 3 times when I finally gave up around 8:30pm and gave my computer the biggest break ever ~ shutting it completely off for the night!   

If computers had feelings I'm sure it would have been shocked at that!  Well I better get to work. I'll write later on if I get the chance. TGIF!