Assist Business Directory


Guestbook Entries: 10

SailingToSuccess on May 10, 2005 at 7:24 AM
Thelma! Welcome to the blog world! It's addicting isn't it?
Come by and say hello!

Karen Farrer on May 10, 2005 at 12:57 PM
Hi Thelma! Great Blog GF! I am going to surf your 'I Can Craft' site ...You just have all kinds of projects 'goin' on' huh! See Ya Online! Karen Farrer

Karen Farrer on May 10, 2005 at 12:59 PM
Oh Gosh! I forgot to Invite you over to my new Biz Blog! lol! Come See Me When Ya Get The Chance...

Dreamworld on May 12, 2005 at 3:16 PM
Hey there girl!
I'm finally making it over to your blog. Looking good!
Cheers to us newbie bloggers.

Tammy Dobbs on June 9, 2005 at 9:13 PM
Hi Thelma. Looks good! I need to learn to use my blog more. Here's to a successful year!

on June 10, 2005 at 2:46 PM
Nice blog! Come and visit me it's my 1st blog-ever!

Marti Burrus on June 10, 2005 at 10:53 PM
I've had so much fun getting to know you through the Internet! It's too bad that even though we live in the same state that we live so far from each other. We need to get together sometime to meet face to face! You can see a photo of me and my just-graduated-from-high-school daughter at my website: (I'm the one who looks just slightly older!) And you should think about joining Celebrations for the low, low price of $99!!!!! It's a very fun company! We need representation in Hobbs and that part of New Mexico!

Heidi KIlgallon on June 17, 2005 at 12:17 PM
Hello from another in New Mexico. We are in Clovis - temporarily we hope : ) Feel free to visit my blog when you get the chance - I am just getting started on it!

asa on July 28, 2006 at 7:59 AM
Hello webmaster,
very nice site here, great work!
Please check my site to at
with news at also.

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