Assist Business Directory

Join me today! Noon eastern

I'm hosting a chat at at 12:00 noon eastern time! Come learn more, take advantage of great sales, and join the scavenger hunt for free items. Plus the whole event also has a raffle prize... the prize value is over $700!!! See you me for more info if you need it! Annette

Charms that create memories

My friend Amy is a rep with Once Upon a Charm® another direct sales business with gorgeous sterling silver charms created speci

My friend Amy is a rep with Once Upon a Charm® another direct sales business with gorgeous sterling silver charms created specifically so you can “wear your scrapbook on your wrist”.  It’s a great concept. She sent me this email today which reminded me of my Horses and Direct sales post here in my blog…wanted to share it with you.


One of my favorite charms on my bracelet is a measuring tape... each time I look at this it reminds me of this quote:  

Life is not measured
by the number of
breaths we take,
but by the number of
moments that take
our breath away.

What takes your breath away? Take a peek at our charms and find one that reminds you of your favorite quote


Want to check out Amy’s charms?  Email her at ONCE UPON A CHARM for more details!




A Tiara and Tears

Had our first annual convention this weekend

Had our first annual convention this weekend.  We all had a great time.  I have to tell you, I’m very proud to be associated with Noah’s Ark Animal Workshop.  I know, I know, everyone in direct sales would say that about their own company – and you should. If you’re not proud to represent your company, you shouldn’t be a consultant with them! J  Pretty simple!


That said - Here’s a company with heart.  The final awards night was a tearjerker for me.  The founder’s father got up and told a story of how our founder just 2 years prior had suffered a stroke (she’s in her 30s) and was blind… but through persistence and determination and a lot of prayer, she’s now running a rapidly growing successful company, is a great wife and mom and looks fantastic!  We were all a puddle to hear her dad lovingly tell the story with pride in his voice and heart.  And it was another reason that I’m in for the long haul!


I joined Noah’s Ark in July, knowing full well that this was THE home business for my family.  If you read my past posts on how I got started you’ll see why that’s the case.  As I’ve worked in it for over 9 months now, I’m even more convinced.  I see, already, how my friends who trusted me enough to join the fun (Hi Laura, Tammi and Cheryl) have taken the business and just run with it. Two of those friends walked the stage during awards night several time… and I was proud…not because of anything I did, but because of how they’ve taken this and run with it.  I’m convinced the third one will be walking the stage with them next year…she just didn’t start soon enough! J


I felt a bit like Miss America when they put a crown on my head for “Leader of the Year.”  I tried, as a blubbering buffoon, to say what my heart was feeling at that moment but I just couldn’t get it out. I wanted to say that everyone there in the room can be sitting up there too, if they just stick with it. I wanted to say this company offers such a unique opportunity that anyone… yes anyone who puts in some effort can really find success with Noah’s Ark.  I wanted to say that if I, just a normal, stay at home mom who loves being with her kids and wants to have daddy home with us full time, can do this, each and every one of them can – just because they were sitting there at that moment, the beginning of the company – with all the growth still ahead of us.   I wanted to say I’ve been to so many conventions with other companies…and watched the folks cross the stage… and I knew that it was POSSIBLE to be one of those people… and here I was… and they could be too!  I wanted to thank each and every person who trusted me to join this business with me because if they hadn’t done that, I would not be sitting there with a tiara on my head!  But instead I said, ‘Um, I know… choke… I’ve seen…choke… this is so…choke….” Hand back the microphone.


And it’s all on videotape!  Aaaaah!


Oh, and I got a life sized teddy bear as a trophy too!  How cool is that?



Join me and my friends at Mommyfest

Join me and my friends at Mommyfest!!!  May 24-26, 2005




MommyFest is giving away PayPal CASH for MommyFest!


Make sure you come and join our contests and tell everyone you know to join our contests too. Below are some contests my friend Marie is running for MommyFest and prizes for the winners!


A drawing for each day of the event - just a simple drawing where visitors can enter the contest at least once a day – a lucky name will be drawn each day for $20.00 PayPal Cash - you can enter once each day for all three days of the event ... but, winners can only win once. So .... I am choosing 3 winners (one for each day)


A Trivia contest- Marie will post questions on the site about exhibitors and visitors can answer questions via email. All correct answers will be placed in a drawing for one winner - the prize - $30.00 PayPal Cash (only one winner).


Attend and participate in the most chats/online workshops - - make sure to use the same user name each time you attend the chats- the Prize - $40.00 PayPal Cash


Refer the most people to join our contest ... When you enter a contest, put my name (Annette Yen). Then when you refer other people to the MOMMYFEST contests, have them put YOUR name in- there will be a place where they can put who referred them to MOMMYFEST - the one person who referred the most visitors/guests will get $30.00 PayPal cash


A scavenger hunt, and a few more games which will be held during open chats/discussions ... the contest/s will be posted on the site by May 24, 2005


I can’t wait to see you at MOMMYFEST 2005!  Check out my vendor page there at:





Business Opportunity! Great Family Business!

Business Opportunity! Great Family Business! Many of you have requested information on the Noah's Ark Business Opportunity. To find out more about my business, enter your email address below:

Enter your email below for more information on Noah's Ark Animal Workshop parties!
E-mail Address:

More About Balance

More About Balance


About a year ago our family decided, rather radically, to take the truth of a Sabbath rest seriously, mostly because we believe the 10 commandments are still that – commandments and the fourth commandment of “remember the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy” falls between the third and fifth commandments so it’s just as valid as “Thou shalt not commit adultery”.


This wasn’t as easy as it sounds… but it was one of the most freeing things I’ve ever done personally and business-wise. Saturday night, when it’s time to hit the pillow, I make a deliberate effort to make sure all “work” is done and shut down the computer until Monday. Since many of my advertisements have my Instant Message addresses on there, I put in a quick auto response that says something like, “Sorry I missed you. I’ll be back at the computer on Monday.” My voice mail message is the same.


Imagine, a whole day, spent in rest and enjoyment. No thinking about work. No “to do” lists. No endless emails, checking inventory, filing paperwork, making up hostess packets…. Nothing at all having to do with work.


Even if you’re not one who believes in the bible, that just makes a whole bunch of sense. Your family needs to you take a rest from the work… your customers need you to refresh for 24 hours so you can serve them with gusto starting again on Monday morning. YOU need the break to renew your mind…however that looks for you.. and to take time to watch the horses or smell the flowers… or even plant them if that’s relaxing for you.


The focus of the biblical command is that of holiness…focusing your mind for that whole period on God and His glory. I have to admit, that is still a struggle for me. My mind is still working on the rest part… I still spend much of my Sunday thinking about what I’m going to do on Monday. But I can’t even describe how wonderful it is to not even have the option to act on it. Instead of running up to my computer “just one more time”, I can take a nap. Instead of mulling over a design for a flyer or even an entry to a blog, I can read the bible or another great book… one that has NOTHING to do with Direct Sales, stuffed animals or RSS feeds and Blogs! J


And you know what else? On Monday morning I get up READY to hit it hard. Yes, my inbox is full of emails, but it’s a delight to look through them, actually read them instead of skimming, and answer with a refreshed mind. My family is happy, my customers are happy, I am happy… and I like to think that God is pleased at my efforts as well.


I’d love your thoughts…





Visit some of my other WAHM friends online and make sure to tell them that Annette from Noah's Ark Animal Workshops sent you! Visit Tammy at WAHM connections: Click here to see Tammy's current ezine! Tell Nicole I said hi at: Show Mom the Money

My new blogging special... Sign my guestbook and let me know how you found me and I'll send you a coupon for $5 off your first order AND send you a free birthday party planner! Good from May 1-May 31, 2005 Email me for more details!

How to sign my guestbook

Thanks to those of you who signed the book already and who have sent me emails about signing my guestbook! :-) And the kind comments... very much appreciated as well! If you WANT to sign the guestbook, just click on the word "guestbook" on the top right. Then scroll down past the thousands of entries already there (ok, 9 entries...) and there's a box to leave your name and comments. Feel free to email me if you're having trouble with it. I'd love to hear from you! Annette

Of Horses and Colts... and Direct Sales?

My daughters and I ran errands today... the usual MEGA store run for everything you've ever needed or not in bulk, had do deliver an order to a friend and then back home again. We live in a small far northwest suburb of Chicago and anytime we want to go ANYWHERE outside of our lovely town we have to drive through a beautiful community of horsefarms and grand estates. One of the horse farms is magnificent... gorgeous rolling hills, lush green grass, beautiful white fence. Each spring the mares and babies are out on the pasture by the road where we drive. I have to be careful when we pass by because we're all ooooing and aaaahing - people in the cars behind me get mad because I slow down, people in front of me better not slow down because I'm not watching the road and I might rear end them... something about a colt running along side it's mamma... breathtaking. Such gorgeous animals that our God created in horses. What does this have to do with doing a direct sales business... not much really... except to say that there IS more to life than the business.... and sometimes you need to stop and watch the horses. It's amazing... I can be driving along that country road and have my mind completely focused on what I need to do for my business... where I need to be, what I need to get, who I need to call... so much so sometimes that I don't even hear the kids asking me a question as I'm driving. But when I get to the farm and I hear the kids say, "Oh oh oh.. mom look there's a baby running"... immediately that shuts off and I gaze and admire and remember there are other things to think about. I'm passionate about direct sales. But the reason I'm passionate is because of what I believe it can DO for the women (and men too) that are in the field... unfortunately I hear of too many women (sorry guys, that's the majority in our field) who spend too much time (I'm guilty too) NOT taking time to watch the horses... those moments of quiet rest, to reflect on life rather than business. I guess it's all about balance - this is nothing new to you I know. So find your horse farm... and enjoy the moment... but remember to keep part of an eye on the car in front of you just in case! :-)

Marketing Book

I've been networking with a lady named Denise Michaels on Ryze for a while. She's great and she's got a new marketing book for women coming out that I can't wait to get... because I like her style! Here's a bit about it: Click here for a full description of the marketing book Subject: WAHMs: Want More Sales and Less Stress? How are you going to finally “get out there,” make more money and feel less stress, too? As a working-at-home-mom, I know your big priority is to your family and your kids - but your business is important, too. If you’ve been looking for ways to make more sales and money with the business you love in less time with less stress – you’ve opened the right blog. Chances are that when you started your business you didn’t realize that marketing (or anything for that matter) would be so stressful. If you’re like a lot of WAHMs you’ve stayed up working late at night or even lost sleep over trying to figure out what will work without feeling like you’re someone you’re not or a phony. Have you heard about “Testosterone-Free Marketing” yet? It’s a revolutionary marketing book about how you can feel a lot more confident and use your God-given skills as a woman to get more sales and better results – no matter what business you’re in. This is NOT the same marketing and selling blah-blah-blah. This is totally new stuff and you’ll be amazed when you see how easily and effortlessly it will work for you. If you’re just not up to “clobbering the competition” or acting like a marketing warrior, ninja or linebacker – this is for you. Click Here for more on Denise's Marketing Book

Stay at Home business

I know a lot of moms that are eager to stay home with their kids and are looking for a good stay at home business opportunity. This isn't always easy. There are SO many at home business opportunities out there and it's really not easy to choose one. I'm passionate about Direct Sales businesses because I really believe that moms CAN have a stay at home business with Direct Sales doing something they love with products they love. When we started with Noah's Ark Animal Workshops we knew this would be great for our family. First, we LOVED the idea of the mall bear building stores. My kids had a collection of them in their room...still do. I've used up many a frequent shopping card there. In fact, when I walked in the FIRST time to that store I said to myself, "now, if anyone started an at home business with this concept, I'M in"! Thankfully someone did! So, if I had to pick the first step in picking your at home business it would be FIND A PRODUCT YOU LIKE.... I'll continue on through some other steps for researching your at home business in future blogs. For now, if you want to check out my business just for fun, email me here Email Annette and I'll send you some information, no pressure. Mention my blog when you Email and get a party planning guide ebooklet for free! Thanks for reading!

Welcome to my blog!

Thanks for visiting! Today is day one of this blog! Join me as we're SAILING TO SUCCESS!!! Annette
About me
Welcome to the weblog for Sailing To Success - with Direct Sales mom Annette Yen of Noah's Ark Workshops.

You're a stay at home mom with a home based business and you often need advice on how to manage it all.

Welcome to Sailing to Success, a weblog dedicated to helping work from home moms to manage life, business and family well.

Interested in chatting about your business or mine and how these ideas can work for you? Click the IREP button below and chat with me live or leave your email message and I'll get right back to you!

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