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Join Noah's Ark Today!


If you've ever considered joining Noah's Ark Workshop - now is the time to do it. Join today and host an open house or workshop before March 10 and get $100 (the flyer says $50 but I'm tossing in another $50) product credit for use on future workshops and parties!

Contact me for more details!



Win a free Hope Bear!

I'm giving away a free Hope Bear from

Want to find out how to win?  Visit the MomsLoveShopping show blog to find out more details!

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Whyyou should consider starting a home business with Noah's Ark Workshops

Here are the top 10 reasons to join Noah's Ark Animal Workshop today:

The Top TEN reasons to Join my team today!
10. Your friends and family will LOVE you! The holidays are coming and you, your friends and your family need fabulous gifts like Noah's Ark stuffed animals!!

9. Children will LOVE you! When you walk in the door they'll think you are the best thing since …. Anything else!

8. Parents will LOVE you! You'll take care of the entertainment AND the take home bag for their birthday event. Less planning and money for them!

7. Early Learning Centers will LOVE you! No permission slips, no costs for transportation (think GAS prices!), no hassles of losing children in the mall … you bring the event to them and save them time and hassle! Plus you can set it up as a fundraiser and help them earn money too!

6. Retirement homes and Nursing Homes will LOVE you! When you bring a Noah's Ark event to people in these homes, it gives them a chance to interact with children as well as create an animal to love and hug themselves. What a great gift to a lonely person!

5. Your husband will LOVE you … even more than he already does. You'll be bringing in a fabulous amount of money each time you do a Noah's Ark event AND you'll only be gone 1-2 hours at a time to do it!

4. Your children will LOVE you! You'll be the coolest mom on the block as a Noah's Ark rep! Plus you'll be able to work WITH them rather than leave them at home while you go off and "work".

3. Your tax accountant will LOVE you! A home based business with Noah's Ark Workshop is a wonderful tax benefit to your family and can earn you great tax advantages on April 15 each year.

2. Other potential crewmembers will LOVE you! As you share the Noah's Ark workshop opportunity with others in your area and across the country, you'll have people thanking you for helping them start their own business!

1. YOU will LOVE you! You'll enjoy making a difference in the lives of children of all ages, producing a lifetime of memories and fostering individuality and self-confidence with Noah's Ark! You'll come home smiling every time!

What's your biggest question about having a Direct Selling Business?

Ok, so I'm caught up on the learning part of this challenge but VERY behind on implementation (the story of my life!) but it's been great so far and I'm having fun!

So... to start putting this stuff into direct sales perspective, I need your help! Email me your top Direct Sales questions... what are your biggest questions or concerns about having a direct sales business? The sky is the limit here and it will really help me to throw everything together into an easy to follow way.

Thanks! Use the box below to let me know your question:

First Name:
Your Direct Sales Business Question:



Only about a day behind...

... phew... it's like a race but I love it.  So much information... it's addicting!  Don't worry... I'm keeping great notes and can already see how so much of this learning will be appliable to a direct sales consultant. I can't wait to put all the pieces together!

Sign up to get all the scoop when I have it using the form below.   


30 Day Challenge - Day 1

Whew...what did I get myself in to? It's kind of exciting and a little mind boggling at the same time. This was just an introductory day but my mind is reeeeeeling with ideas and thoughts and already I can see how some of this learning can be easily transferred to making the most of a direct sales business IF ... and that's a big if... you are the type of consultant who is willing to think somewhat out of the box and take your company's training, ideas and systems and tweek them a bit to do something different... or expand on it.

Taking copious notes and no doubt will put together something for anyone who might be interested. If you think you might be, sign up for my list by filling in the form below and when it's ready, you'll be the first to know!

My Direct Sales Company:

30 Day Challenge

I've decided to take the jump in July and do the 30 Day Challenge with Frank Kern and Ed Dale.  I have no idea what to expect but I will pass on tips on how to apply this to your Direct Sales business.

 Because I've been with MomMasterminds now for about 6 months, I see the great benefit of mastermind-ing with a group of people share ideas an input.  I'm hoping this will be much like that.... I'll keep you posted!






Selling your retired product on Ebay? Here are some tips!

What are the Best Selling Items on eBay?As you build your direct sales business you'll find that you have extra product that your company has retired or decided not to sell anymore and therefore you can't display or use it in your demonstrations either. Want to make a little side cash? Start looking to Ebay as a great option! The article below talks about some of the best selling items. Watch this category in the future for more ebay selling tips!




What are the Best Selling Items on eBay? by Jason James

Copyright 2006 by Jason James

The very first question that comes from everyone's mouth when wanting to sell on ebay is "What are the best selling items on ebay?" Now isn't that the 64 million dollar question! Well I hate to sound like I'm playing games with you but the best selling items on ebay are anything and everything!

Of course there are some variables with might make some products to sell on ebay more efficient than others but the reality is that all of the best selling items on ebay can only be determined by you, your hobbies, your profit interests, and what resources are available to you.

For example, there are thousands of ebay sellers that swear the best selling items on ebay are Antiques and collectibles. In fact, quite a few hard copy books and E-books have been written on this subject of selling old items like Antiques on Bay.

For many people the best selling items on eBay are any odds and ends that they may pick up at garage sales or in their own homes. Used clothes, toys, baseball cards, handmade bags, etc. are all best selling items on eBay.

Personally, I think that the best selling items on eBay are products that cost very little and turn a much bigger profit. Notice that I did not specifically describe a certain product or a certain service. That is because I go after the 'market' instead of the eBay product first. This way of approaching your eBay business will skyrocket your profits, open up new doors to your selling, and increase your list of best selling items on eBay.

What are some examples of these types of products? Here is a secret tip for you: Digital products turned into hard copy books. This is a simple solution to selling information to eBay buyers who are not into E-books (because they need something tangible). You can create copies on paper, tapes, or even CDs to increase the value. Please keep in mind that this is what I consider to be the best selling items on eBay.

Jason James is a 10 year Internet marketing veteran and an eBay Seller of 4 years. His website "The Auction Resource Network" reveals his inside secrets, tips, and sources that help him pocket over $10,000 per month on eBay. His proven step-by-step system shows even users with little or no business experience how they too can make huge profits selling products at online auctions. Claim Your Free eBook: "Top 10 eBay Secrets for Successful Selling" by Clicking HERE

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I was a featured guest on WAHM Talk Radio!

I'm so excited! My friend Kelly McCausey had me on as a guest on WAHM Talk Radio today just casually talking about loving your direct sales business.

Let me know what you think! :-) I think I sound funny on the phone/radio... my kids didn't even think it sounded like me at all! Tee hee!

Visit My Direct Sales Tools site too for more great things to help your DS business grow!
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Work from Home

Work at home business guide of home based business opportunities and tools needed to succeed working from home. provides these work from home jobs and ideas for small businesses opportunity seekers.

Click here to check out the Work from Home site

I've listed my business opportunity here and you can too!
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About me
Welcome to the weblog for Sailing To Success - with Direct Sales mom Annette Yen of Noah's Ark Workshops.

You're a stay at home mom with a home based business and you often need advice on how to manage it all.

Welcome to Sailing to Success, a weblog dedicated to helping work from home moms to manage life, business and family well.

Interested in chatting about your business or mine and how these ideas can work for you? Click the IREP button below and chat with me live or leave your email message and I'll get right back to you!

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