Assist Business Directory

Sharing Articles: Can it Help my Direct Sales Business?

By Nicole Dean

Question: How can I get long-term advertising for my Direct Sales website without spending a fortune?
Signed, Direct Sales Mom

Dear Direct Sales Mom,
Very often, people in Direct Sales don’t realize they can benefit from the same methods of internet marketing that other online businesses use. Writing and submitting articles is one of those methods of marketing that is extremely effective for Direct Sales businesses.

If you’re unfamiliar with the way article marketing works, basically, you write and give away helpful, informative articles. Why would you work so hard and give away your information? Look at the bottom of this article. There you’ll see my name and a brief bit of information about what I do. I didn’t pay for that advertising. It’s free.

So, how does it work? You write an article about a topic that you are interested in – usually one that relates in some way to your business. If you sell makeup, there’s no point in writing about forest fires. So, show your expertise and share your love of what you do in a brief article. Then you’ll want to find article directories that will accept your article. You’ll submit your articles to the directories, including your author bio and a link to your website.

Website publishers, blog owners, and ezine publishers will search the directories and find interesting articles to share with their readers. When they use one of your articles, they’ll include your author bio at the end with a clickable link to your website. Voila. You just scored some free traffic.

As long as your company allows you to link to your website, (and I realize that some don’t) – you can use article writing to grow your customer list and your team.

If your company does not allow links to your website, you may be able to set up a lead generation page to get people’s information. Or you can send them to a newsletter sign up page where you can get them on a list where you may talk more freely about your products in your newsletter. Just be sure to check with your company policies and procedures before investing too much time and energy into writing articles.

Now get writing!

About the Author: Nicole Dean doesn’t pay for advertising – ever. She uses Article Marketing to get free advertising on websites and in newsletters worldwide. You can use articles to get free traffic, too. Visit EASY ARTICLE MARKETING - click here to find out how.

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Using Article Marketing in your Direct Sales Business

Using Article Marketing in your Direct Sales Business

Download a copy of this article to use in your ezine.  Just CLICK HERE for an easy to copy and paste version.

After several months of studying the art of marketing businesses by using informative articles I've been really impressed with the tremendous information that's out there.  By writing a content rich, helpful and informative article you can set yourself apart as an expert in your field and generate traffic to you and your business.

Most of my study has been in the field of Internet marketing, but as the wheels of my mind have been turning and with the experience I've had with Direct Sales, I want to encourage you, Direct Selling Mom, to explore this as a way to expand your business... and provide a new outlet of fun for yourself too!

Why in the world do you want to spend time writing articles?  If you're like me, you're business life is already too consuming and you need to spend less time on your business, not more!

First, it's FUN!  Here's your chance to let your creative juices flow!  You know how much you love your products.  And at your parties, you love talking about them to the party guests.  But now, you have a chance to take it another level.  Do you sell scrapbooking products?  Share your heart about the importance of creating a legacy of memories for your progeny.  Passionate about candles?  Write an article about the warmth of hospitality in your home that can be created by simply adding some beautiful candles to your decor.  Think beyond the specific products in your line and create from your heart!  You'll see... it' will stretch your mind and you'll love every minute of it!

Second, it's profitable.  As you send out valuable content either online to article directories or offline to your local publications, you're establishing yourself as an expert in your field.  Because each article has a resource box, an author section with your information - name, email, website, email and/or phone, the people who read your article, will know who to contact... YOU!

Third, it sets you apart.  Direct Sales is a competitive business and most likely if you're in company that's more than a year or two old, you're not the only representative around.  By writing articles and establishing credibility, you're setting yourself apart from other consultants in your own company and in competing ones as well.

How to start?  Here are some quick suggestions:

1.  Read some other articles online that fit in with the theme of your particular product line.

2.  Pick your favorite product from your direct sales catalog.  Take a long look at it and think about WHY this is your favorite.  What can it "do" for your customers... what's it's value.

3.  Write down your thoughts about the product in list form.  Look through the list and find some "key words" that really stand out.

4.  Using those key words, start to build a story about the experience of the product.... not the specific product itself.  This is where you really begin to write an article rather than a sales pitch.

5.  Now just keep writing...tweak, change, set it aside for a day and come back to it.  Don't be discouraged if it doesn't come to you right away, especially if you're not a writer by nature.

6.  Take a risk and have a good friend read and critique your thoughts.  Be open to her ideas and rewrite again.

When you think you and your article are ready, it's time to submit it to your local paper or to online article directories.  Just do an Internet search for "article directories" as a good starting point.

So much information is available online for maximizing this avenue of marketing.  You can get a free 5-day course from two of my friends by CLICKING HERE for Easy Article Marketing.  Take advantage of it ... and watch your business grow!

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Article Writing Tips from SpongeBob SquarePants

Article Writing Tips from SpongeBob SquarePants
By Nicole Dean
of Easy Article Marketing

Wisdom can be found in the most unexpected places. Today, wisdom bubbled up from a pineapple under the sea. I suddenly realized that everything you’d want to know about writing articles for your website can be taught by SpongeBob SquarePants and his friends.

When you write for your newsletter, blog, or website, which character are you most like?

Mr. Krabs: This crustacean is focused on one thing and one thing only, making more and more and more money. Only a cartoon could actually have dollar signs drawn in his eyes. He thinks of no one, only how he can benefit. Are your articles focused on you or on the reader? Are you providing information or do you have blinders on, thinking only about how you can make money from the article you are writing? If your article reads like an ad or is self-serving or full of affiliate links, you might write like Mr. Krabs.

Plankton: The smallest creature in the sea is also the sneakiest. He’ll do anything and hurt anyone to steal someone else’s work (the Krabby Pattie secret formula). Write your own material. Don’t be Plankton. Don’t copy and paste someone else’s work, edit it, and try to pass it off as your own. You will be caught, and it just isn’t worth it. Take the same amount of effort and work on your own thoughts and ideas. Plankton never gets away with his schemes, either. He’s on Plan “Z” and is still pathetically failing at his attempts to steal the secret formula.

Patrick: SpongeBob’s best friend, the starfish, has a good heart, but isn't the brightest creature in the sea. Do your articles make you sound like an expert? Are you providing valuable content or just pushing out sloppy articles as fast as you can? Always double check for typos and grammatical errors. If you're challenged by spelling and grammar, hire a Virtual Assistant or Copywriter to proofread and submit your article for you. Or slow down, set your article aside for a day and then reread it before you click the “submit” button.

Squidward: Squidward is B-O-R-I-N-G. When writing articles, are you a Squidward? Do you just get the words down on paper or are you finding a fun twist to entertain your audience and keep them coming back for more? Take time to make your articles stand out from the thousands of other dull articles out there by including personal stories or just having fun while writing. For instance, this article could be entitled "How to Write a Good Article", but would it stand out from the hundreds of other articles about article writing? Probably not.

SpongeBob: This little guy always tries to do the right thing, and is a hard worker. He may not always end up getting the results he hoped for, but he bounces back and tackles his work with a renewed vigor. SpongeBob works very hard, he's a good friend, he always thinks of others, and tries to have fun no matter what he is faced with. Hardworking, friendly SpongeBob is the guy to be when writing articles.

Although this is a silly lesson in article writing, I hope you'll remember the important messages our underwater friends have taught us.

1. Write articles to help others, not with dollar signs in your eyes.

2. Write your own material. Don’t copy others.

3. Proofread your articles carefully, and provide valuable information.

4. Be entertaining. Not boring.

5. Be a SpongeBob! Hard work and persistence pay off.

Before you know it, you'll develop a following for having informative and entertaining articles and you’ll be King or Queen of the sea.

Nicole Dean doesn’t pay for advertising – ever. She uses Article Marketing to get free advertising on websites and in newsletters worldwide. She welcomes you to visit to find out how. 
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How To be Rejected by the Article Directories

How to be Rejected by the Article Directories
by Nicole Dean

Article writing is one of the best ways to increase your traffic and get more sales. You've heard it a million times so you decide to finally just do it. You write an article and submit it to the article directories, eagerly anticipating the flow of traffic. Instead you receive the dreaded rejection letter.

What did you do wrong?

1. Did you proof-read your article before you submitted it?

Popular article directory sites receive hundreds of submissions each day. It's much easier for the owner to click "decline" than to edit your typo-filled or unformatted article. Before submitting, proof the article and proof it again. If grammar and spelling make you sweat, then hire a Copywriter or ask a friend to help you before you click that submit button.

2. Is it an Advertisement or an Article?

Article directory sites are looking for informative, useful content, not press releases or ads. If your submission reads like an ad, it will not be accepted. And, think about it -- even if was approved on a fluke, do you think that website owners will be clamoring to publish your 500 word advertisement? Not a chance.

If your goal is to write and submit a press release, then check out places like

3. Did you read the Submission Guidelines?

Each article directory has a different culture. Glance through the Submission Guidelines before setting up an account to make sure your article will be welcome before you submit it. If an article directory is based around a niche like gardening, then please resist the urge to submit your Mesothelioma articles. There are plenty of article directories that want your articles. It’s not an effective use of your time to submit unwanted articles to a niche site.

4. Is your article PG-rated?

Don't submit sex-related articles, profanity, or general nastiness. Article directories are businesses and, therefore, exist to make money. This means they generally receive income through affiliate sales or advertising. So, if your article includes sex or contains words stronger than "darn", don't be surprised if your article is rejected. Of course, if your article contains nastiness or anything illegal -- don't even bother.

5. Is your Article original and written by you?

Submit only original articles. Please do not copy someone else's article, edit it, and submit it. That's stealing and you will be caught. And, do not submit articles from shared content sites. Article directories want original, unique content. Public domain is 'public' but think how ineffective article directories would become if there were 500 versions of the same public domain piece. Instead of wasting your time figuring out how to reinvent other people's content, just write your own.

Now that you know what not to do, start writing the kind of articles that article directories dream of -- and watch your business grow.

Nicole Dean is published all over the web, under numerous pen names. She welcomes you to visit to learn how writing simple articles can be the most effective way to bring traffic and sales to your website. 
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Is it REALLY this Easy to Get Free Advertising

Is it Really this Easy to Get Free Advertising?
by Nicole Dean
Easy Article - (Click Here to check it out!)

One of the best ways to get free advertising is to simply write articles and give them away. It’s a foreign concept to many in online business, but it’s one of the best ways to get traffic, improve your search engine ranking, and sell more products.

Why Should You Write Articles?

Newsletter and website owners are desperate for content. As someone who owns websites and publishes several newsletters, I can vouch for this. I regularly search article directories, looking for quality information that will help my readers. And, every article I use from these resources gets published with the author’s information and a link to their site.

E-mail Address:

Why Give The Articles Away?

How much would you pay to include your ad in a newsletter or popular website? Anywhere from $5 to $80. Wouldn’t you prefer to have your ad placed for free? It’s easy to see the financial reward. Look at the bottom of this article. Right there, plain as day, you can see a resource box with my website included, so you have proof that this method works.

How do you write an article?

Take another look at the article that you’re reading right now. It’s short. It’s simple. I’m not a Literary Genius. I’m just being me.

Start by picking something you know about, or a problem that you can solve, and start writing. Just do it!

What should you include in the Author Bio?

Your Name Something interesting about you or your website Your website link - Don’t forget this one! Special offer - Mention a freebie or special offer if you have one. Don’t use this area to *sell*. Just get them to your site.

May you have lots and lots of free advertising!

About the Author: Nicole Dean is published all over the web, under numerous pen names. She welcomes you to visit Easy Article - (Click Here to check it out!) to get started using article marketing to boost your business today.

If you sign up for the course through my link, I'll give you bonus tips and my thoughts on using the information for your direct sales business. Fill in your info below and then let me know when you've signed up so I can send you the tips!

E-mail Address:
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Welcome to the weblog for Sailing To Success - with Direct Sales mom Annette Yen of Noah's Ark Workshops.

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