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The 3 C’s of Getting Your Foot in the Door of a Prospect

The 3 C’s of Getting Your Foot in the Door of a Prospect

By: KathleenGageSpeaker

Are you frustrated with cold calling because of all the rejection, phones slammed in your ear and being told to never call again? Wondering how some sales professionals seem to always be at the right place, at the right time? Feeling like you just can’t seem to get your foot in the door of any new prospects? You’re not alone. These seem to be universal concerns for many sales professionals.

Getting your foot in the door of a prospect often reaches beyond what most have been taught in sales training seminars and books. It is a state of mind, emotion and action.

As you think of prospects you want to meet and connect with consider the following…getting your foot in the door takes courage, creativity and consistency.

Courage – It has been said that courage is not the absence of fear. It is the ability to identify one’s fear and walk through it anyway. Where does the fear come from when you try to get your foot in the door? Perhaps it is fear of rejection. Maybe it is fear the client is too busy. Perhaps one fears the client won’t want or need the product or service that is being offered.

A powerful way to overcome fear is to take action. The action can be to gain a greater understanding of the client’s needs and situation. Perhaps you need to know more about your product or service. Maybe it is simply to pick up the phone and make the call. It is in the willingness to take action the fear will lift.

Creativity – Many people read a book on the “skills” of cold calling and selling. Do Step A and you get Result B. Fact is, there will be times getting your foot in the door is about trusting your creativity.

How often have you gotten an intuitive thought or a feeling to try something different? And how often does reason take over intuition? Some of the most successful sales professionals trust their intuition and inner knowing to lead them to step through the door of the unknown.

It is in the willingness to explore unique methods for approaching any given situation the magic of selling will occur. The next time you “get that feeling” be willing to explore the creativity of your idea and watch the magic happen.

Consistency – Success is often not the result of big actions, but rather one tiny action at a time. It is in the consistency of our actions on a daily basis; making the call, following up on a regular basis, inputting the names into the database, and having a system that allows us to free our minds of unnecessary concern and clutter. When the mind is clear, there is more opportunity to be creative and walk in a place of courage. This allows for truly serving the needs of your customers and clients.

Selling is not about closing the deal. It is about the desire to serve others through the products and services we provide. Serve well.

Article Source: - Articles by Women

Kathleen Gage is an award winning keynote speaker, author and business advisor specializing in marketing and promotions. She is the recipient of the Utah 2004 Giant Step Award for business creativity and success. Access Gage’s FREE eBook Street Smarts eMarketing Tips Guaranteed to Jump Start Your Internet Presence to Put You Miles Ahead of the Competition at


How to Clean Your House in a Hurry!

How to Clean Your House in a Hurry!

By: Nicole Dean

Another fun article by Nicole about how to get ready for guests in 10 minutes or less! Enjoy! Annette

You’re lying on the couch in your living room, in one of your husband’s old t-shirts and a pair of baggie sweatpants, watching last night’s taped episode of Desperate Housewives, when suddenly - the phone rings. You don’t recognize the number on caller ID and you make the mistake of answering it. It’s your long lost best friend from the sixth grade. She’s in town and she just happens to be in your neighborhood. She’ll be over in 10 minutes, and your house is a MESS.

So, how do you clean up for unexpected guests in 10 minutes or less?!

1. Stay calm!

2. Do a clean sweep. Grab a trash bag or laundry basket and gather up everything that is lying around that shouldn’t be, and throw it into the bag. Hide the bag.

3. Plump up pillows on couches and chairs in living room, fold blankets. Give each cushion a swat for crumbs.

4. Stack mail, newspapers and magazines in a nice, neat pile. Stick the pile in a corner or on a kitchen chair.

5. Give the bathroom a speedy sprucing up! Wipe out the sink, wipe off the toilet seat and quickly swish the bowl. Then, close the shower curtain, and throw odds and ends in cabinets or drawers. Spray some Lysol or air freshener so the bathroom will smell clean - even if it’s far from it.

6. Rinse off any dishes in the sink and stack them neatly or toss them in the dishwasher. Wipe off the table and counter tops.

7. Take a peek inside the fridge - what beverages and snacks do you have that you can offer your guests?

8. Close the doors to all rooms that you don’t want on display.

9. Light a yummy scented candle in the kitchen - like Cinnamon Buns or Chocolate Cake. Lighting a few scented candles will uplift the mood of any home and make guests feel welcomed. Throw some fruit in a bowl and place it in the center of your table. Fresh flowers also do wonders, if you have them on hand.

10. Take a deep breath. Give yourself a squirt of perfume and you’re all set! You may even have enough time to get changed into something a little more presentable.

Cleaning up for unexpected guests does not have to be a mad rush, if you stay caught up on your housework as a rule. A friend of mine gave me some really good advice right after my husband and I got married, she said “The best way to keep a clean house is to entertain in your home at least once a month.” There’s nothing like having company coming to get cleaning!

Article Source: - Articles by Women

You are invited to visit for more cleaning and organization advice — and for meals in minutes! Copyright 2005 - Nicole Dean


How to Create Nine Different Meals With One Meatloaf Recipe!

How to Create Nine Different Meals With One Meatloaf Recipe!

By: Dar Arechederra

Okay, let's face it ladies! The holidays are upon us and if you're like me with a thriving or soon to be thriving home business, kids at home and a busy busy schedule that's about to get much more busy, we need all the help we can get as far as time saving tips. This time of the year is also meatloaf weather and I loved this article by Dar that combines time saving with yumminess! Enjoy!

Imagine having several meals already prepared -- and spending less than an hour preparing them!

That's exactly what you can do with the following recipe. Simply double or triple the ingredients, then separate into several meals.

Here are some of the scrumptious meals you can create in no time, using the meatloaf recipe below.

* Chili
* Tacos
* Meatloaf
* Meatball sandwich
* Spaghetti & meatballs in red sauce
* Cabbage rolls (just add a bit of rice)
* Swedish meatballs in cream sauce
* Hamburger patties with brown gravy
* Meatballs simmered in crockpot with BBQ sauce/onions

And here's the recipe that will make your life so much easier...

Multipurpose Meatloaf Mix

2 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup oatmeal
1 T. Worcestershire Sauce
2 lbs. ground beef or chuck
1/2 cup minced or chopped onion

Mix above ingredients in large mixing bowl. Can be microwaved or cooked in oven (see below.)

Meatloaf Topping:

* Catsup
* Make a simple brown gravy mix from a packet.
* Use BBQ Sauce with a touch of brown sugar and brown mustard.

Microwave Directions:
(For a single batch)

Microwave meatloaf on high (wrap lightly with waxed paper) approx. 15 minutes. Drain, then top with your choice of sauce or gravy. Microwave another 3-5 minutes.

Oven Directions:

Cover meatloaf with foil and bake approx. 50-60 minutes. Drain, then top with your choice of sauce or gravy. Bake another 5-10 minutes.

** Will feed approx. 5 people
** You can use low-fat versions of items, too.

A triple batch will make the following:

* 1 medium-sized meatloaf
* 2 meatball meals (Swedish, Red Sauce)

Note: While meatloaf is cooking, I make meatballs with my handy-dandy large ice-cream scoop (the one with the small, moving part that escorts the meat out of the scoop for you.) It will save your wrist and is so much quicker.

Cook meatballs until just done. Store in an airtight container in fridge. If freezing, be sure to cool them first. They can be frozen before or after cooking.

Having such a flexible recipe will make your meal planning and preparation much easier. And isn't it great to save a bit of time, while saving money, too? Enjoy!

Article Source: - Articles by Women

© 2005 Darlene Arechederra Resource Box Darlene Arechederra is the creator of the Stay-at-Home Bootcamp -- for women of two-income households who'd love to return home to their children. Women who dream of affordably staying home with their kids are invited to take the FREE Quiz today at Afford To Stay Home Quiz


Too Much to Do? Too Little Time? by Aurelia Williams

Too Much To Do? Too Little Time?

By: Aurelia Williams

Aurelia has hit the nail on the head again here! Great tips for life and your business! Most of us know this stuff already but it's great to read it ... and then actually do it. She makes it very doable. Enjoy the read. - Annette
Hey - Did someone press the FFW button?

Have you ever felt like someone just pressed the Fast-forward button on your day and before you know it the day is over and you are sitting there wondering what you've accomplished?

I love to organize and with working Part Time outside of the home and FULL-TIME at home with my business, 4 children and Husband I really rely on a schedule and many time management tips to keep my sanity (ok, so some of you think I am already insane, I won't argue with that) but at least I am organized ;)

Here are a few of my favorite Time management Tips:

1. Meal Planning: Try planning 1 - 2 weeks worth of meals at a time and write them down on a calendar. Do your shopping accordingly and prep tomorrows dinner today. You will be AMAZED at what a time saver this is.

2. To-Do Lists: I know most people HATE them but they actually do work. Just take a few moments out of your day (either in the morning or in the evening) to make a list for that day or the following day. Be sure to only put down the items that you MUST finish on this list.

3. Delegate: Do you have friends, a husband, children that can pitch in and do a few things for you? If so, be sure to use all of your resources.

4. Morning Rush: Scooting the children out of the door can be a huge time eater! Be sure to prepare lunches, lay out clothes and plan your breakfast the night before. This will make your mornings run a tad smoother.

5. Just say "NO"!: Such a small word that carries a might punch! If you truly can't fit something into your schedule and it is not urgent, just say No!. Keep a list of non-urgent things that you can do on hand for when you do have some down time.

Well, those are just a few of my time management tips. I personally set aside about 15 minutes a night and sit down with my Palm Pilot and make a short TO-DO list for the following day and it is amazing at the time this save.

Also be mindful of your own body. Are you a morning, afternoon or night person? Try to schedule your most time consuming tasks when you have the most energy.

Take Care!

Article Source: - Articles by Women

Aurelia Williams is the mom of 4 busy children, a Personal Life Coach and the owner of Real Life Solutions, which is an informational site that also offers products, low cost advertising and a great newsletter. You can visit her site here:


In Direct Sales, One Hundred is the Path to Success

In Direct Sales, One Hundred is the Path to Success!

By: Nicole Dean

Here's another great article by my good friend Nicole and I agree WHOLEHEARTEDLY! Great to revisit this especially if you're feeling a bit dead in the water with your direct sales business! Let me know what you think!
Enjoy - Annette

Did you recently join a Direct Sales company? Or have you been with a company for awhile and stalled?

The question I hear most from frustrated moms is — “How can I gain and keep momentum in Direct Sales?” or “How do I build my business?”

I ask them “Did you make your list of 100 people to contact?”

Here are the most common responses:

1. “No. Why should I do that?” Because I’m telling you to! Ok, so that only works with my kids. The reason you need to make this list is because it is your starting point. Your list of 100 contacts is your warm list of people who already like you. These are people who will be open to helping you start and build your business.

2. “Isn’t 100 an awfully big number?” Sales is all about statistics. If you reach out to 3 people, you may make a sale. If you reach out to 10 people, you will likely make a few sales. If you reach out to 100 people, you’ll make a lot more sales than reaching out to 10!

3. “I don’t KNOW 100 people.”
Baloney! Everyone knows 100 people. Add the following people to your list right now.
Holiday Card list
Co-workers from all your old jobs
Co-workers from your husband’s jobs
People you know through Church
People through Scouts
Children’s friends parents
Chat friends
Message board friends
Your bridesmaids/groomsmen
Your favorite waitress
The moms in Library Story time
The checkout clerk at your favorite grocery store
The other moms sitting at sporting events
Childhood friends
Your old high school friends
Your old college friends
Parents of friends
Friends of parents
The wives of your husband’s college friends
Old fraternity or sorority friends
Friends at the Gym
People you work with in the community
People you volunteer with
Local shop owners
Friends on your sports teams or community leagues
Your dentist, doctor or nurse
If you’ve been doing sales for awhile, reconnect with everyone who ever expressed interest in your products and all past customer
Anyone who’s ever been a hostess for a party you attended
And anyone who you’ve bought something from or done business with over the years.
If you do fundraisers, add

4. “Yes, I emailed ALL of them and didn’t get any response.”
Well, the key word here is email. Most people will glance at an email and set it aside. You need to talk with them and — here’s the hard part — ASK them to do what you want them to do (host a party, purchase something or sign up on your team). Tell them why it benefits them, be warm, genuine and truthful. If your contact is not personally interested, ask them if they know anyone who would be interested. Always ask for referrals.

5. “Yes, and I called all of the people on the list but I still ran out of leads.”
When’s the last time you called your list? Part of customer service is to contact your list on a regular basis to see how you can help them and to let them know they are appreciated.

6. “I went through my list and I contact everyone regularly, but my business is stalled.”
I have three words for you Referrals, Referrals, Referrals! Unless you reach beyond your circle of friends and go into a new market of people, your business cannot grow. Therefore, referrals are a critical part of building your business. Don’t be shy! People like to help. Also, offer your contacts an incentive and they will send customers to you. Tell everyone you talk with that you appreciate referrals. Say “I give a gift of thanks for every referral” and make sure that those words are printed on every piece of paper that leaves your hands. Rewarding for referrals is part of customer service and should be done automatically. The gift can be something as simple as a small gift certificate, a sample-sized product, or something unrelated to your business like movie tickets. Your friends will keep you in mind when they run across someone who could be interested in your products and your business will benefit from it.

So, make your list, contact or reconnect with every person on your list, and make sure you ask every contact for a referral! Your business will grow.

Article Source: - Articles by Women

Nicole Dean is the mostly-sane Mom behind helping WAHMs Succeed. If you want to be a successful work at home mom, don’t miss Nicole’s free tutorial at


Exercise Plan - 5 Tips

5 Tips to Get You Started and Keep You Going on an Exercise Plan

By: Marie Magdala Roker

I loved this simple, back to the basics article by Marie. If you want to have a great business and family life with BALANCE, exercise is important! Plus it just refreshes you to get ready for the rest of your day... and will help you sleep better too!
Making the decision to start exercising requires commitment and perseverance. Establishing and maintaining an effective exercise program can help you feel great and live a more active lifestyle.

Check with your doctor first. Get your doctor's "OK" before embarking on an exercise program to avoid a serious injury to your health.

Choose activities that you think you'll enjoy. It doesn’t matter what it is, belly dancing, yoga, Pilates, swimming, bicycling, rollerblading, racquetball or tennis. Most people will stick to their exercise program if they are having fun, even though they are working hard. Avoid injuries by pacing yourself and including a warm-up and cool down period as part of every workout.

Vary your exercise program. Change exercises or invite friends to join you to make your workout more enjoyable. There is no "best" exercise – just the one that works best for you. It won't be easy, especially at the start. But as you begin to feel better, look better and enjoy a new zest for life, you will be rewarded many times over for your efforts. Upgrade your fitness program as you progress.

Set aside a regular exercise time. Adopt a specific plan and write it down. Whether this means joining an exercise class or getting up a little earlier every day, make time for this addition to your routine and don't let anything get in your way. Planning ahead will help you get around interruptions in your workout schedule, such as bad weather and vacations.

Set short term goals. Don't expect to lose 30 pounds in two weeks. It has taken awhile for you to gain the weight, it will take time to lose it. Keep a record of your progress and tell your friends and family about your achievements. Make sure to keep it up-to-date. Keep setting realistic goals as you go along, and remind yourself of them often. Reward yourself periodically for a job well done!

Article Source: - Articles by Women

Marie Magdala Roker is a Personal Development Coach an Author of Successful Thinking for a Successful Life: How to Banish the Unhealthy Thoughts and Habits That Limit Your Success. Sign up to her free newsletter as She also offers the Successful Thinking™ program, an affordable coaching resource that offers support and encouragement for helping women achieve their goals. You can find out more about the program at


Baskets for Home Organization

I just loved the title of this article by Erika! Read and then call your local Longaberger consultant!! Some great tips here!

A Tisket-A Tasket, Get Yourself Some Baskets!

By: Erika of This Christian Wahm

If you are one of those people who has the big dream of achieving the ultimate goal of getting organized--maybe I can help!

I am an organizational crazy woman! If things aren't organized around the house, I am out of sorts. Here are a few tips to getting your home and your business organized with baskets:

If you don't have lots of assorted baskets--get some!

You can use these beautiful woven treasures to make your home organized and look good while storing things away within easy reach.

Put your television, VCR, DVD, and universal remote controls inside a small basket. Plop the basket on your sidetable and it looks pretty--but most of all it creates a home for the remotes so they don't turn up missing in action.

Put your coasters in a basket and place on your coffee table. Place crayons, scissors, markers, pens any art supplies your kids may keep in the family room or den inside a pretty basket.

Place larger baskets underneath your end tables or next to the sofa with your favorite magazines and books inside.

If you sew or knit in the family room, put your supplies and latest projects inside a basket for easy access when you feel like working on your craft.

Use a tall, long basket to store your umbrellas in the foyer or mud room.

Hang a wall basket next to the telephone, or near your bill paying center in your home office to keep things such as stamps, outgoing letters, bills and address labels.

Use long and skinny baskets to place a few of your small potted plants on a window sill or on your mantel.

You can find inexpensive larger baskets at your local Walmart for around three dollars. Purchase lots of these and use them for toy boxes, and laundry baskets in each bedroom.

You could also use these in the garage or shed to store outdoor toys. You could also store seasonal accessories such as; gloves, hats, and scarves in a large basket and place inside your coat closet or under a bench in your foyer.

Look around your house and see how you can use baskets to keep your home a little more organized!

For more tips and advice on how to get your life organized check out Finally Organized, Finally Free!

Article Source: - Articles by Women

Erika runs a website for work at home moms-- This Christian Do you work at home? Are you searching for a way to work from home? Stressed? This Christian Wahm can help! Find valuable advice, articles, Christian fellowship and more. Visit her site at:


Automating your Direct Sales Business - Part I

Most of you who know me know that I'm a BIG fan of automation and using it to benefit your direct sales business by saving you time and ulitmately money! (Sanity too!). One of my favorite automation tools is an autoresponder from AWeber. It's an unbelievable tool and in a few days I'll post my article that I wrote for a print newsletter about how to specifically use them for Direct Sales. In the meantime you can CLICK HERE for free trial of AWeber's Autoresponder!

Below Nell Taliercio gives us the lowdown on on various ways to automate for success. Nell is a wealth of info and you can check her out at Enjoy the article!

Automating Your Home Based Business - Saving You Time

By: Nell Taliercio

First of all, what is automating a business? Simply put, it’s having today’s technology do the tedious and time consuming tasks that you currently have to do manually. This in turns frees up time that you can work on other business building aspects or spend it with loved ones.

Today’s technology gives you a multitude of programs to smooth your way to owning a highly successful business. Using automation programs are a necessity for every business. It can give you back hundreds of hours a year for the more important things in life. It’s like having a personal assistant at your fingertips 24/7.

Why do some businesses struggle year after year and others seem to take off like a rocket right from the start? Well, if you were able to see “behind the scenes” of those highly successful businesses, you would find that one of their secrets to their success is using technology to automate as much of their business as possible so that they can continue to grow their business in other areas.

Automating Your Business Will

Increase traffic to your site or store - Did you know there are ways to automatically send your articles and messages to all forums that you are a member of? Automating your submissions increases your link exposure, which will build your search engine rankings and traffic to your site. Learn more about this at Forum Fortunes

Streamline your website administration - One of the most time consuming tasks is replying to individual emails. By automating your email program to respond to every inquiry immediately, create mailing lists for your newsletters and sending out your Ezine, you will save countless hours that you can use for other business growing projects. Learn more about this at AWeber

Improve customer satisfaction and make your life a lot less stressful - Offering a good shopping cart to keep track of items your visitors choose to purchase from your site until they are ready to “check out” will assure that your customers are getting exactly what they want. Many shopping carts come with special features to calculate discounts and coupons as well as offer secure payment transactions instantly. Learn more about this at Store Front Ecommerce

Increase profits - Again, by building traffic and improving customer satisfaction, your sales will increase and you will see more repeat customers.

Protect your computer and your business - By filtering and deleting all spam and dealing with suspicious email before it reaches your in-box, you can prevent viruses and other malicious content from being downloaded to your computer which will save you time and money. Read more about this at Mail Washer Pro

Allow you to run your business from virtually anywhere - Wouldn’t it be nice to take that much needed vacation yet still be able to run your business? If you are like many business owners, it seems that every time you go out of town for an extended weekend or vacation, your business has some sort of meltdown.

Though most times they are minor problems that can be fixed fairly quickly once you get home, they still cost you time and quite possible customers, both of which equal money. By automating much of your business, you will decrease the amount of problems while allowing you to fix any others even if you are in Cancun or Paris! Now that has to give you some peace of mind.

With all of these benefits, why wait another minute to find out how you can start to improve your business and gain much needed time?

Article Source: - Articles by Women

Nell Taliercio is the owner of a leading work at home mom resource website packed full of fresh content for the telecommuter, business owner and virtual assistant. Visit today!


More on Balance in your work at home career from Aurelia Williams

I've enjoyed "meeting" Aurelia Williams at various places in WAHM-dom and here she gives some basics about balance in your home business and personal life. Nothing "earth shattering" here, but really good reminders of how to keep sane amidst a sometimes insane pace of life that we put ourselves on when we work from home and try to be the perfect wife/mother/friend at the same time. Read it with fresh eyes and enjoy!

How to Find Balance In Your Work At Home Career And Your Personal Life

By: Aurelia Williams

Work at home moms face challenges that are very unique. The decision to work outside the home or stay with your children is difficult, with each option having advantages and disadvantages. If you stay home you may lose income and you will lose interaction with fellow employees, and if you work outside the home you live with separation from your children and pay caregiver expenses. Many women are choosing to work at home and finding the right opportunity is the first step in finding success as a work at home mom.

You could use the knowledge and skills you have and become a consultant, develop a career in design or writing, telecommute to a job, or start a home-based business. The opportunities are endless.

It can be difficult for a work at home mom to balance home, family, and career. Even if you are not a parent it is hard to find time for a personal life when you operate a home-based business. It is very easy to become consumed by your work when you work from home and it can be a challenge to find time for yourself and your family.

To successfully balance a home and career you must create a work schedule. Decide what hours will be set aside for work and try hard to stick to that time-frame. It very beneficial to create a boundary between work and home. Setting a work schedule will give you a routine to follow.

To give yourself the opportunity to socialize and meet new people, try geting involved with community or other volunteer activities. If you do not get out of the house regularly you may begin to resent your work and your family obligations.

During your workday, take short breaks to get up and move around. A simple stretching routine or a short walk will do wonders for your outlook. It will be necessary for you to deliberately schedule time for personal activities such as reading, picnics, or exercise.

By adding these activities and free time to your schedule you will ensure that you get some much needed "mommy" time and that your family spends quality time together. You will find that if your leisure and family time suffer too much, your relationships will suffer as well. Make time for the fun things and times shared with children and family.

If you implement these ideas into your life as a work at home mom, you will be better able to achieve balance between work and your home life.

Article Source: - Articles by Women

Aurelia Williams is the mom of four busy children, a Personal Life Coach and the owner of Real Life Solutions, which is an informational site that also offers products, articles and a great newsletter. You can also hear Aurelia daily on the WAHM Talk Radio show, she is the Resident Life Coach.


5 Ways to Jumpstart Your New Direct Sales Business

Off I go looking for more interesting ideas for you in direct sales. I came across this quick read by Stefanie Fauquet and thought you might enjoy. Particularly if you're new to the Direct Sales industry, she's got some good tips...


5 Ways to jumpstart your new direct sales business

By: Stefanie Fauquet

Starting in a new direct sales business is a very exciting time. This is when your energy and enthusiasm for your new business is greatest, and the opportunity for your business to really take off. Follow these 5 simple steps to give your business the jumpstart it needs to be successful!

1. Take action – There is no better time than the present to get started and build your new direct sales business. Statistics have shown that those who get their business going right away, when their excitement is up, will have a much greater success rate.

2. Make a plan – As much as you might want to jump in head first in your new business, there is a better way for long term success and that is to make a plan. Plan out your daily activities ahead of time, and schedule them accordingly. Stick to your schedule! Planning and scheduling your time devoted to your business will make you more organized, and in turn more focused, which leads to success.

3. Know your business – When just starting a new direct sales business it is important to truly know what you are getting into. Know your company and its history. Know all the major players you will be working along with. When someone asks questions on why you got started with this company you should have a clear answer. The more informed you are the more professional you look to potential customers. Research everything!

4. Have goals – Where do you see this new business taking you? What are your short and long term goals with your new business? Having goals in mind will help push you along the way when times are tough. There must be a reason for you to be in business in the first place.

5. Ignore everyone else – Sometimes this is the most important thing to do when starting a new direct sales business. There are so many people out there, and sometimes this includes friends and family that will tell you your business will fail. Simply ignore them and believe in yourself! You will usually experience many downfalls before you truly will see success. The key is to learn from your mistakes, to move on, and to never give up!

Article Source: - Articles by Women

Stefanie Fauquet is the owner of top Direct Sales Resource site designed to help Work at Home Moms build a profitable Direct Sales Business, while being able to stay home with their kids. Visit today!


Worst Internet Marketing Strategy Ever? - By Jason Potash

I can't quite remember when I first heard about Jason Potash but one day I got an email about a product he was launching that talked about article writing and the importance it has for your business. After agonizing over the cost (it's not cheap) I bit the bullet and bought the course. Am I EVER glad I did. The information contained in the audios alone was worth the price but there's a whole software program as well... it's amazing. You can find out more if you CLICK HERE for more information

But now, here's Jason's article for today. He's gearing it specifically to people who do internet marketing but it can apply to your Direct Sales business even if you don't do much with the internet at all. Take a look and let me know what you think:

Worst Internet Marketing Strategy Ever?
By Jason Potash

Many people are downright frustrated.

And when you look at their internet marketing strategy, it's no surprise.

Yet, they all fall into a classic trap that can ruin your chances of online success before you even get off the ground.

Have you heard about the ultimate short-cut to success?

Ultimate short-cut? That's right.

Many are led to believe that this is the holy grail of marketing online.

But, if this is your idea of a perfect internet marketing strategy, think again.

Here's how it works...

It's easy. Create a crappy product and contact every 'sap' who has an opt-in list of 40,000 subscribers or a website that gets a few hundred hits a day. Then ask them all to promote your stuff.

Works like a charm, doesn't it?

If you've ever been on the other end of the inbox, you know how annoying this can be.

Some person who sends you 12 emails out of the blue, asking (begging) you to endorse his/her product.

For example, I recently received a similar email from someone asking me to promote an MLM product to my subscribers and customers.

First off, the email was clearly a cut-and-paste job. It might have started with "Dear Jason", but the rest was a boiler plate email.

A big no-no when trying to get someone's attention and win them over.

And what about the product?

For all I know, the product might have been white hot. But, MLM is the furthest thing from my subscribers minds. Not all of them, but I'll bet at least 90% of them.

The problem here?

One word: targeting

My subscribers and customers are not the ideal target market for this particular product. If I start promoting MLM, I might as well squeeze in a "how to pick a winning stock" mailing as well.

Unfortunately, you will also see this "spray-and-pray" internet marketing strategy in other areas.

Let me give you an example.

Have you ever received an article on a topic that was no where near what you (or your subscribers/customers) are interest in?

Or, have you ever been asked to review a product that was about "snake breeding" or something way off in left field?

Have you ever received an email asking you to buy a drug that you have absolutely no use for?

The same rule applies: targeting

My advise? To really nail down your internet marketing strategy and hit the pavement running, here's a shortlist of things to consider.

>>> Hand Pick Your Partners Wisely

Notice I said "hand pick". Choose a few partners that you feel would be ideal candidates. Learn a bit about them and their business BEFORE you contact them.

>>> Get Personal

When you finally decide to contact a potential partner, personalize your contact with them. Add a comment about how you like their website or ezine. Maybe you are a customer who enjoyed their product.

Be sincere and it will shine through.

>>> Think W.T.G.T.D.W.M.?

People are busy, overloaded, overworked. When you send out an email looking for people to publish your article, review your new ebook, or promote your product, you need to think W.T.G.T.D.W.M.?

W.T.G.T.D.W.M. = What's This Got To Do With Me?

Once again, if you are targeting the right partners and choosing them wisely, this question should be self-answered by the person who are contacting.

For example,

"Hi Andy. I am contacting you today because you are among the top snake breeders in America."

If your article, product, joint venture is related to snake breeding, you are half way to the finish line already.

>>> The 80/20 Rule Is A Lie

Ever heard of this rule? 20% of people produce 80% of the results? Online, this is more like the 97/3 rule. If you are looking for joint venture partners online, 97% of people will do nothing to help you. Sure, they might seem interested at first. But, when it comes time to "play ball", they will suddenly drop off the earth.

Your goal? Stop wasting time marketing to "everyone". Find the 3% who will work with you to accomplish your goals and make things happen.

Tip: If you are focusing on a highly targeted market, this will happen much easier.

>>> Know When To Back Off

So, you've sent two emails with no reply. Is it time to call it quits? Not always. Some people are genuinely on information overload and won't get back to you for several days (if not a week). Why not pick up the phone, make one last attempt and contact them by phone? If they fail to return your email or voicemail, perhaps it's time to move on (see 97/3 rule above).

Remember, the name of the game is targeting. When putting together your internet marketing strategy, pick your partners wisely -- aim to find that golden 3% as quickly as possible.

Take your time and get this part right from day one. It makes all the difference in the world when you are sending people something that is of real interest to them.

If it appeals to them, they will pay attention, and the boost in response you receive will speak for itself.

Jason Potash makes it easy to learn from today's top marketing experts. For details and to claim your free Audio Library Membership, visit this site now:

Article Source:

And learn more about Jason's Article Marketing Course when you CLICK HERE for more information.


The Perils of the Home Office - By Nicole Dean

**Here's another humourous but true article from my friend Nicole that I thought you'd enjoy!**

The Perils of the Home Office - By Nicole Dean

So you’ve started a home business. You went out and purchased a nice desk and comfortable chair, and maybe even a new computer with all of the necessary extras. Now you’re ready to earn an income from home! How nice it will be to be your own boss, to work when you feel like it and to answer to no one. At least that‘s what you think.

If your business involves the internet you’re probably going to spend a lot of time at your desk. You think your desk at work was a mess? You have no idea. This past year was one of the most stressful times I’ve ever experienced; mostly due to the chaos that was my Home Office, conveniently located in my dining room. Here is the type of scenario that played itself out in my home on a daily basis:

‘Get up, fix coffee, take cup to desk, move slinky off desk, let the dog out, open email, start making list of tasks to complete, answer the phone, take a message for husband, leave note on desk, let the dog back in, separate screaming siblings, remember to pay phone bill, locate phone bill among the dozen or so envelopes piled up on desk, write check, leave the prepared bill among the remnants of the other bills, three-year-old runs up to give Mommy a hug and spills coffee all over desk, throw out the phone bill with the pile of trash (forgetting it’s there in the first place) along with son’s school enrollment paperwork that’s been lying on desk under home business catalogs and order forms and phone message taken earlier for husband.'

The result of my morning's effort? Enrollment is late, phone bill isn’t paid on time, and husband wonders if I'll ever regain sanity. Rewind, repeat tomorrow, next week, next month etc.

Sound familiar? If you’re new to home business, then maybe you haven’t yet experienced the perils of the Home Office. I think the phrase is an oxymoron for most people. There’s very little divide between the stuff for home and the stuff for your business. Even if you’re lucky enough to have a separate room for your office, I bet your family (and you too) are guilty of leaving items or taking stuff to and from your desk. I don’t know how many times I have looked for the three ring hole punch, only to find it on my daughter's art table along with the kitchen tongs and bathroom plunger.

So you’re asking yourself, ‘How do I keep my desk organized and my desk contents out of the hands of my family?’ Good question. There are dozens of articles and books written to help ‘get organized’, but if you and your family are not respectful of the Home Office Space, then no number of organizing binders and boxes and tabs and expanding folders will help. I tried. Really I did. I kept finding my lovely wicker In/Out Box in my daughter's room, you guessed it, by the art table with the other items she ‘borrowed.’

What finally helped my stressful Home Office situation was to schedule a time every week to throw away old bills, to not even bring the junk mail into the house in the first place, and to use a simple file folder system located in my desk drawer to keep my home business paperwork, and family papers. As far as the littlest sneak thief - I gave my daughter her own desk drawer full of interesting things to look at. Simple plan. Now if I could just find that ringing telephone…!

Nicole Dean faces the perils of the Home Office daily. She's a work at home mom, and owner of - a fun resource to help Work at Home Moms stay mostly sane. She also welcomes you to visit for a battle plan to tackle your home office perils and the chaos in every other room of your house.

Article Source:


Self-Employed Professionals:

Self-Employed Professionals: What's Separating Your Services From the Rest of the Pack? by Connie Scholl

** I enjoyed this quick read by Connie. Again, in our business of direct sales no matter how wonderful our product is, there are a bunch of us selling the same thing so we have to brand ourselves - so that we stand out from the crowd. So although this article is not geared directly at direct sellers, it still has some great, simple questions that EVERY direct seller should ask if she wants to continue in this business. Enjoy and let me know what you think! **

Imagine for a moment that a prospective client of yours is frantically thumbing through the yellow pages (or surfing the Internet) searching for the exact service you provide—and she finds herself faced with literally dozens of options—what is it about the way you convey and deliver your particular service that is going to convince her to hire you over another professional offering the same thing?

If you want to attract more clients and quickly double your current client base, you'll need to identify that "special something" you provide for your clients and be able to clearly communicate it in all of your marketing materials.

Determine what separates you from the rest of the pack. It’s easier than you think!

Begin by answering the following questions:

1. What is the ONE THING that you do that others in your profession are NOT doing?

2. What is it about your actual business that makes you different or unique in some way?

3. What results can you promise your clients that others do not?

4. When a prospect asks the question, “Why should I hire you, instead of so and so” - how do you respond?

If you’re really stuck trying to define what makes you different, ask a couple of your best clients why they chose to work with you—and continue to work with you—instead of your competitors. Use this information to create a unique marketing message that appears in all of your marketing efforts.

Remember, if you’re not differentiating yourself from your competitors –you ARE invisible to your prospects!

Cheers to more clients!

© 2005 Connie Scholl

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this blurb with it: “Small Business Marketing Advisor Connie Scholl, provides Independent Professionals with simple, effective and low-cost market strategies guaranteed to DOUBLE their current client base." To learn more about her popular small biz marketing programs, and to sign up for her FREE Marketing Solutions ezine, visit

Article Source:


The WC - Using Autoresponders, Scripts and etc... a great read....


I just got my copy of Kelly' McCausey's Second Edition of the WC Print Mag for WAHMS and MY article on autoresponders is in there!!!!

I'm so honored that she chose to print it (I'm the ultimate Kelly groupie, so this is the equivalent to ... oh, I don't know ... Kelly Clarkson picking the song you wrote for her next album) and it's such a rush to really see it as part of this fab publication!

If you don't get it yet, you'll want to subscribe. Each month gets better and better! This month has kitchen tips, etc, too..very practical for us Direct Sales Moms!

Click Here for your own subscription to the WC


Are You A Mostly-sane Wahm, Too? by Nicole Dean

I loved this article by my friend Nicole. Originally published in my new favorite print magazine for WAHMS, The WC - for Wahms by Kelly McCausey (click here to find out more). Thanks for another great read Nik! And you can find out more from NIcole at Show Mom The Now here's her article:

I have a confession.

I’m a mostly-sane WAHM. I’m far from the ‘got it together’ work at home mom that I’d like to be.

I believe that there are a lot of women out there like me – clutching onto your sanity while juggling family, daily work requirements, basketball practice, ballet recitals, PTA meetings, and the many other responsibilities we carry on our shoulders.

If you’ve been a WAHM for more than a minute, you know the predicament we face. We chose to work from home so we could spend more time with our children. This is great in theory. What happens, though is that we end up with no scheduled and defined work time, so it becomes a struggle to find time to spend with our kids. When you hear other people say “It must be so nice to work from home so you can spend time with your kids all day”, you roll on the floor laughing. If only it were so simple! Finding the balance between work and home can be a constant struggle especially when work IS home.

I remember the days when I worked out of the home in an office job. I had two separate and distinct compartments in my life. There was the office, where I could work in peace and quiet, focus on projects and be productive. And, then there was home, where I was able to focus on my children and have fun. I had scheduled working hours, and also distinct family time.

Now, I have the ‘hom-ffice’, an odd melding of home and office. The line between the two compartments is unclear. My office is now an extension of home. And, home is becoming an extension of my office.

Because of this dilemma, I find that I’ve got the focus of a gnat. Here’s how my work day goes.

I wake up, grab a cup of coffee, and sit in front of the computer to check my email. Fifty new messages. No problem. I get ready to tackle the first one.

“Dear Nicole, I was wondering if you might be interested in” …

“juice in a sippy cup, pretty please my pretty mommy?”

Whoa!! Ok, brain switch! I turn and look at my little girl who just crawled out of bed. She is a perfect picture of childhood, with her big brown eyes, sweaty wildly curly hair and big grin. I hug this rosy-cheeked angel and go to the kitchen to get juice. Then, I sit back down and attempt to read my email

“Dear Nicole, I was wondering if you might be interested in my new affiliate program selling” ...

“the new Lego robot I built!”

Brain switch again. I swivel my office chair and see my son, his blue eyes twinkling, and his face beaming proudly, holding up his Lego creation. I ‘ooh’ and ‘ahhh’ over the new Lego invention -- a robot that can climb walls. I rub his blonde head and tell him how wildly creative he is. He grins and goes back to Lego-building.

I swivel back to work, and try to get as much done as I can between the many interruptions, karate practice, dinner and bedtime stories. Oftentimes, late at night, you can find me working, while watching late night TV shows. My husband comes in to check on me. I swivel my chair to get my good-night kiss and I tell him that I just want to wrap up a few last projects. I stagger to bed late at night only to start again, before the kids wake up in the morning.

Are you seeing the pattern? Is there any wonder that I’m mostly-sane? Look at your own days and I’ll bet they are very similar to mine.

Despite the frazzled hours and days, and all the distractions, I love being a WAHM. The honest truth is that I wouldn’t trade my job for any corporate job in America.

However, as I meet more and more work at home moms, it’s becoming apparent that I’m not alone in my struggles. Other moms are setting expectations that are just not matching reality. What can we do about it?

1. Reclaim your office:

If you have one room that you can dedicate to your work, stake your claim on it. Clear out all toys and non-work items. Make your “hom-ffice” a real office. No more messing around with half a commitment to your business. Your office is your turf. Protect it.

2. Buy a timer:

If your children are old enough to understand the concept of time, invest in a timer. It’s a life saver. The next time you need uninterrupted working time, tell the kids that you’re setting the timer for 20 minutes. If they give you 20 minutes of uninterrupted work time, then reward them with quality time with you. Play a board game together or go to the park.

Set goals this month to reclaim your work area and your time, and you will take a step closer to being a happy, relaxed, and successful WAHM!

Article Source:

Nicole Dean is a mostly-sane WAHM, and proud owner of – a site to help moms find success at home! * This article was originally published in The WC - for Wahms by Kelly McCausey (click here to find out more)*


Can You Spot a Perfectly Awful Ad Opportunity? - By Kelly McCausey

Can you spot A Perfectly Awful Ad Opportunity?
By Kelly McCausey
CLICK HERE for Kelly's radio show!

Some Work at Home Moms have the wonderful advantage of a business education and background. Others of us have only a great desire to work at home and what we hope is a really good business idea. Do you ever feel like you’ve entered a race and the course is all uphill? Don’t worry, it’s not as frightful as it may look.

There are some business and marketing basics that you need to think through carefully and one is to identify and get to know your ‘Target Market’. Simply put, the people who you want to sell your products to.

If you don’t identify who you’re going to sell to - you’ll spend a lot of time running around in circles. It will be difficult to make decisions on just about anything - especially the copywriting for your website and advertising.

It would be great if the first step in your business development started with a Target Market - then you could brainstorm about what they need and want and come up with a product or service to market to them. But since you probably already have a product in mind, you have to work backwards.

Who needs this product? What need does it fulfill? Better yet, who WANTS this product?

It is important that you take this process seriously and resist the temptation to stay shallow with your thinking.

Someone who sells jewelry may say that their target market is women. But that’s crazy. How do you write copy and craft advertising to reach all of the women in the whole world? Even if you narrow it down to American women who like to wear jewelry - you’re still way too broad.

Do you think that Tiffany’s and Clare’s Boutique are both marketing to the same group of women? No way!

It’s tough work determining a target market for some businesses. Staying on the topic of jewelry, yes, most women wear some jewelry - but dig deeper. Who wears your kind of jewelry?

Let’s look at me. I wear some jewelry. I prefer silver. I don’t like anything too big. I don’t do dangly. And I’m cheap! I’m rough on stuff and refuse to pay very much for any one peice. So, if you’re selling fine jewelry, am I your target market? Nope.

On the other hand, if you’re selling costume jewelry that’s big on looks and low on price - I’m your gal! I am your ‘on a budget’, ‘not so stylish’, ’sometimes impulsive when shopping’ female target market.

When writing copy for me you’ll want to focus on the great value I’m getting. Tell me how great I’m going to look for so little money. Tell me I’ll look like I just left Tiffanys but my bill will look like I shopped at Kmart. Meet all my needs and push all my ‘buy now’ buttons.

So, knowing this… if you sell fairly expensive fine jewelry, should you be advertising on Mom sites that focus primarily on making money, saving money and being frugal? No - this would be a bad use of your advertising dollars. You want to find the websites that reach women who have expendable income!

Do you see how identifying your target market helps you to make decisions? While spotting the ‘perfect ad spot’ may be elusive, you will at least know how to spot the ‘perfectly awful’ ad opportunities and that is a great place to start.

About the Author: Kelly McCausey is the host of Work at Home Moms Talk Radio, the original internet radio program for internet based Moms. Visit the site for a new show every week. CLICK HERE TO TUNE INTO WAHM TALK RADIO!


More on Balance in your Family Home Business

This is from Another great illustration of balance in your family life and home business:

Put The Glass Down =============

A lecturer was giving a lecture to his students on stress management. He raised a glass of water and asked the audience, "How heavy do you think this glass of water is?" The students' answers ranged from 20g to 500gm.

"It does not matter on the absolute weight. It depends on how long you hold it.
If I hold it for a minute, it is OK.
If I hold it for an hour, I will have an ache in my right arm.
If I hold it for a day, you will have to call an ambulance.

It is the exact same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes."

If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later, we will not be able to carry on, the burden becoming increasingly heavier. What you have to do is to put the glass down, rest for a while before holding it up again.

We have to put down the burden periodically, so that we can be refreshed and are able to carry on.

So before you return home from work tonight, put the burden of work down. Don't carry it back home. You can pick it up tomorrow.

Whatever burdens you are having now on your shoulders, let it down for a moment if you can.

Pick it up again later when you have rested.

Rest and relax. Life is short, enjoy it!

~Author Unknown~ From


Storage for Stuffed animals!

I LOVE this idea!!!!

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Welcome to the weblog for Sailing To Success - with Direct Sales mom Annette Yen of Noah's Ark Workshops.

You're a stay at home mom with a home based business and you often need advice on how to manage it all.

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