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Whyyou should consider starting a home business with Noah's Ark Workshops

Here are the top 10 reasons to join Noah's Ark Animal Workshop today:

The Top TEN reasons to Join my team today!
10. Your friends and family will LOVE you! The holidays are coming and you, your friends and your family need fabulous gifts like Noah's Ark stuffed animals!!

9. Children will LOVE you! When you walk in the door they'll think you are the best thing since …. Anything else!

8. Parents will LOVE you! You'll take care of the entertainment AND the take home bag for their birthday event. Less planning and money for them!

7. Early Learning Centers will LOVE you! No permission slips, no costs for transportation (think GAS prices!), no hassles of losing children in the mall … you bring the event to them and save them time and hassle! Plus you can set it up as a fundraiser and help them earn money too!

6. Retirement homes and Nursing Homes will LOVE you! When you bring a Noah's Ark event to people in these homes, it gives them a chance to interact with children as well as create an animal to love and hug themselves. What a great gift to a lonely person!

5. Your husband will LOVE you … even more than he already does. You'll be bringing in a fabulous amount of money each time you do a Noah's Ark event AND you'll only be gone 1-2 hours at a time to do it!

4. Your children will LOVE you! You'll be the coolest mom on the block as a Noah's Ark rep! Plus you'll be able to work WITH them rather than leave them at home while you go off and "work".

3. Your tax accountant will LOVE you! A home based business with Noah's Ark Workshop is a wonderful tax benefit to your family and can earn you great tax advantages on April 15 each year.

2. Other potential crewmembers will LOVE you! As you share the Noah's Ark workshop opportunity with others in your area and across the country, you'll have people thanking you for helping them start their own business!

1. YOU will LOVE you! You'll enjoy making a difference in the lives of children of all ages, producing a lifetime of memories and fostering individuality and self-confidence with Noah's Ark! You'll come home smiling every time!
About me
Welcome to the weblog for Sailing To Success - with Direct Sales mom Annette Yen of Noah's Ark Workshops.

You're a stay at home mom with a home based business and you often need advice on how to manage it all.

Welcome to Sailing to Success, a weblog dedicated to helping work from home moms to manage life, business and family well.

Interested in chatting about your business or mine and how these ideas can work for you? Click the IREP button below and chat with me live or leave your email message and I'll get right back to you!

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