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Monday is over!

I love when Mondays are over. They are by far the worst day of the week. Nothing can be put off until Monday anymore because it IS Monday. 
I accomplished some things this weekend. I updated all the books for our businesses which was a major undertaking!  I also priced some things we have to put out for Christmas out at Wood Stock.  There is still more to price but I got a good chunk of it done. My daughter Stac helped me with it too.  We watched some DVDs while doing it. Oh yeah, went to Blockbuster for the first time since we moved here!  It was so weird checking out DVDs and not VHS videos.  We got some good ones though and watched some on Saturday night too. Hub managed to stay awake through the first one anyway.
I also did something I haven't done I don't think since we moved here either - my nails!  Thanks Danielle for letting me borrow your nail polish! :)   I am going to get that Mary Kay kit again though since I will paint them again. Now that I'm taking these Omni 4 vitamins my nails are much stronger than they used to be.  And although I still sing every day for the most part, I don't pick up my guitar as much as I used to and there is no need to keep not painting my nails because I MAY play my guitar at some point. 
This morning I woke up with a headache and feeling sort of stuffy. So I may have gotten a cold from Stac, but maybe not. I don't know that it is not allergies, all I know is that I didn't feel that great today and I am so not in the mood to exercise tomorrow morning.  And this is all I want to write about right now.  Goodnight.
