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quick update

The rescue dog is now at foster home but not without leaving me a poopy goodbye. Took my mom to the dentist today and while I was gone  (I don't like to leave him the run of the garage) I put him in the kennel.  He pooped and then proceeded to spread it throughout and around the know like people stomp on grapes to make wine?!  It was the worst cRaP I've ever had to pick up. Had to throw out the towel that was lining the bottom because it was even too gross to salvage. Took the kennel outside and had to hose it clean!Yell
Okay but met up with foster gal, and gave dog over to her. < phew> 
Got car back yesterday. Needed new battery even though we just got a new one about 14 months ago! ARGH! 
Now I am just now finished my work at 11:00pm.
Dave Letterman is on so that is my sign that I am way past my bedtime!