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I'm sitting here...had to run some things that Stacey forgot for Georgettes over to her...
almost got hit by another car....(who didn't think anyone is going to be coming from that way - clearly would have been HIS fault)!
came back and saw hub didn't put out the recylcing...
but I HAD to go Potty....
while on the potty..the phone rang...let it go....
after potty listened to message from neighbor telling us they are leaving town until Sunday...
no kidding...their trailer has been sitting in their driveway loaded up for 3 days...
as I hung up from their message...the recylcing truck went by
so DIDN'T get the recyling out
and now that it is almost 9:00 my time I better do some work and get my shower in later
what a great start to my day...!  Yell