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Sunday morning

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Wanted to write a few things in here so I can try to keep it active.   Woke up to below 30 degrees outside. Ick!  I am ready for Spring.  On Friday the temperatures back in PA were higher than they were here.  Guess I'll have to move to Ecuador (on the equator) to get warm and stay that way.  But then my blood may thin out too much and I'll be one of those old people that wears sweaters in 85 degree weather to keep the chill off my shoulders.

I came into the living room to do my Sunday exercises and hub noticed the mailbox gone, not broken but GONE. Someone pulled off the entire mailbox (left the wood it stands on).  So he went driving around the neighborhood to see if we were targeted or it was random.  He did find another house around the bend also missing theirs, with their mail strewn about the street.  I was glad it wasn't JUST us, but now we need to replace it.  Hub is going to call a stone guy he knows to see about getting a stone one built so it can't happen again. Most of the neighbor's mailboxes  are made of stone and so they didn't have theirs disturbed at all. 

It is a shame that stuff happens around here.  It is a nice area but we've had things taken off vehicles, someone tried to steal hub's truck within a month of getting it, and now this.  Never had this sort of thing happen back in PA, so I just don't get it.  Guess this area just has more stuff happen.  It is a shame, because it just reinforces hub's reasons for not wanting to move here.

We're staying here for now, but perhaps when the last one is done college, we'll move somewhere else.  I'm not interested in going back anywhere near or in the snow belt but I'm not adverse to moving to say Arizona or Florida.  We'll see.

Work is still steady thankfully!  Every time I turn around there is some other expense coming up. One that I don't have to pay for is getting my car fixed from the lady who backed up into my parked car right before Christmas. My poor car is scheduled to go in for repairs on Wednesday. Hopefully it will look as good as new like when I first got it.

Off to go do some work, not a ton this weekend but took some on since tomorow the office is 'closed'.

Oh I almost forgot, I put up a website for the store.  It is at




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