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Entries "July 2008":

Wednesday, July 2, 2008 it has been a while...

I know I haven't written in quite a while but a lot has been going on.  Well not so much work related though because my work has really slowed down.  It is not a good feeling!  So many expenses, so little income!  I am trying to pick up a part-time processing gig or sell some of the makeup I represent to make up the difference, but so far nothing. Let's get off that depressing subject though...oh wait while I'm still on that subject I might as well say one more thing. Apparently I earned too much money last year for Dani to be considered for any financial aid her senior year of college. That did not make me happy either as unless she can get student loans, I will have to charge that too!  UGH!!  I had such a great game plan to have all credit card debts paid off by Aug/Sept, and I haven't even been able to put much of anything toward them since my work slowed way down. 

Okay...NOW off that subject.  On a positive, moving forward note....we are moving Wood Stock !  WHOO HOO!  I had seen this cute country store that was available for lease on the route I take to the grocery store. This place is only like 2 miles away from home!  Where the store is now it is around 30 miles, one way. 

We purposely picked that far out because rent was cheap.  But the population and amount of people that stop out there just makes it impossible to really turn a profit. December was great, that's about it.  So I decided to call about this shop up the road and we went to look at it and although the rent is more than double, it isn't much more and the population is way greater!! The street it is on is really what I'd consider the main street of the town too so that's a good thing.  We move to the new place as of August 1st.

It is exciting yet scary at the same time!  I do hope this move will be beneficial!  Between the savings in gas and truck payment because hub is going to sell his truck, the overall cost should equal out about the same when its all said and done.  Hub's already been over there spackling walls to prep for paint, and planning out what things he's going to put in what rooms.  It is an old house that was put into use as a retail shop so it has like 4 separate rooms with large doorways (open) so it has a nice old cottage appeal.  I think the wood art would look nice in it.  I forgot how much there is to do though. Phone company, security co., insurance changeover, permits for signs...ugh.  But it will be well worth it I think!

I broke down on Sunday and filled up my car.  Took $40.25 !  That is alot for my corolla, but the last tank of gas lasted me 8 weeks!!  So I am very happy with how long it lasts me. 

Stac is working at a local restaurant and Dani is working at a fitness place near where she lives.  I'm so proud both of my girls are ambitious enough to want to work.  Dani kind of needs to since she rents a house now with her boyfriend and the food, gas, etc bills never stop even though she's not in classes this summer.  Stac enjoys making tips.  She isn't used to that and it was cute how excited she was when she brought home her first big night's worth!

Well...that's it for now.. off to check 


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Posted by: DianeStJames    in: My entries