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Rainy day...

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Today started out well enough, in fact we went garage sale-ing since today was the neighborhood garage sale. I got a few treasures including a set of 10 lb weights.  Since I've been working on my arms to keep the 'droop' at bay, I've been using my 8 lb weights but that is the highest I have. Since they were selling for $2 a piece, I figured why not. Also got a bird (wren) small figurine made in china. I don't know that is worth any more than the $5 I spent for it, but the detail was nice and I liked it.  Hub got a few things too.  Oh and we got a wood bird feeder that someone was selling and would you believe the next house we stopped at, they had an entire bag of wild bird feed on sale for $2.  I hope it isn't TOO old, but couldn't pass up that bargain.  It wasn't raining then at all.

After that I wanted to replant many of my pepper and cucumber plants that should have been repotted a few weeks ago.  I ran out of potting soil but did get some done. It started to POUR right when I was done as far as I could go.  I really need to mop that balcony deck too, but won't be today. 

I'm going to start working in a few minutes. The system was down until now so I think I used my 'free' time well. Its work for the rest of the weekend, except I think we are going to see Angels and Demons if it is out at the theaters now.  We paid for some advertising for Wood Stock at the theaters that is to run for 3 months.  So we are planning to check that out as well.

Stac is in a parade this am for Miss Georgetown. Hopefully it isn't raining where she is. Based on the weather radar maps, I think it was pretty clear there until about now. So hopefully she's done her part.

School is winding down for both kids, in fact college may be over by now, not sure. One more short course and my oldest will have earned her Bachelors. Woo hoo!  And in a few weeks high school graduation for the youngest. Family is coming in for that so it will be nice!

Have a few small replacement/home improvement projects planned to happen soon too. The ceiling fan in the living room broke last year and ours upstairs is making noise off and on which irks me to no end.  So we got two fans to replace them and I think hub's lined up someone to come replace them on monday.  Then hub is going to pull the berber carpet from the living room and put laminates down. I'm thinking of a light wood color and a dark border to snazz it up some.  The carpet has several areas that are bare from the dogs playing with it. It will be nice to have that done so that the first floor can look pretty nice. 

Off to work now...


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